Should the NHS be privatised?

Should the NHS be privatized?

  • Type of paperArgumentative Essay
  • SubjectEnglish
  • Number of pages3
  • Format of citationHarvard
  • Number of cited resources4
  • Type of serviceWriting from scratch

Instructions will be uploaded later.




Week 3: Organising your ideas: Are my sources reliable?

Look at the table below. Using the sources you have found (not from GSM Learn or the reading list), answer the questions below to determine if they are reliable. Make notes.

Source 1 Source 2
Who wrote/said it? Cotter, Barber, and McKee Kahungu
Are they qualified to speak on this topic? Yes Yes
Do they have a personal interest in that issue? I do I do
What type of source is it? Journal Journal
Has it been verified in any way? Can it be proved? It has been verified and can be proved. It has been verified and can be proved.
Is there evidence to support this claim? Yes Yes
Was the source created to persuade, sell, entertain, inform or for another purpose? Persuade Persuade and Inform
Is the content relevant to your research? Yes Yes
When was it published/last updated? 1994 2016
Does this impact its relevance or objectivity? Yes Yes



Give the full references of both your sources here in Harvard Style:

To format the text, highlight the word(s) or line of text you want to change and select the required formatting option (colour change, bold, italics etc.).


These two links must be used to complete the above task.( SOURCE 1 and SOURCE 2)


Cotter, S.M., Barber, N.D. and McKee, M., 1994. Survey of clinical pharmacy services in             United Kingdom National Health Service hospitals. American Journal of Health-  System             Pharmacy, 51(21), pp.2676-2684.

Kahungu, L., 2016. Should the NHS be privatized? Potential merits and demerits of             privatization of the National Health Service.







Week 4-9: Organising your ideas: Noting down the main points

In the space below, create an outline for your essay by making notes about any information you find from class or reading list sources and from the two sources you found. Use bullet points and not full sentences. Include in-text citations where necessary. You should add to this throughout the course. (150 – 200 words)

Essay Question:

Should the NHS be privatised?

Arguments in Favour (Yes) Arguments against (No)






·         The core of privatizing NHS is to increase the degree at which efficiency in the healthcare management of services and resources is accomplished.

·         The private sector is concerned with increasing their profits margins at a likely reduced expense of operations.

·         The effect of transferring the ownership brings about an integral monopoly in healthcare services and delivery.

·         The urge for higher profit margins, and effective and competent services delivery will survive just some corporations.

·         Letting the privatized NHS as the only provider of healthcare public services and hence the domination.

·         Monopoly emanates the threats of public exploitation, through seeking higher prices for the fundamental services.

·         The monopoly will increase and even worsen the cost and deterioration of the healthcare services.

·         NHS privatization involves is just a mere form of implicit state control through particular regulatory schemes and approaches, complicated tax regulations.

·         The elements of privatization have been notable, as the dissemination of certain services to private companies.

·         This has only benefited the companies in effect at the expense of the public







·         The significant of NHS privatization encompasses various social factors among them being steered by ethics.

·         It was believed that NHS would eliminate the political intrusion and provisional goals and objectives of its management.

·         The government symbolizes the public interests at the expense of societal ethics, principles, and norms.

·         And the public holds the government accountable for any catastrophic occurrences that may arise in the public sector.

·         Once transferred, the public will lose the legitimacy enjoyed in holding health care providers accountable in case of any catastrophic incidences.

·         This is because private corporations are lawfully obligated to reward their stakeholders by prioritizing the creation of revenues.

·         With that, therefore, healthcare delivery privatization brings about numerous social impacts rather a safer delivery of care.

·         NHS signifies that provision of healthcare is less efficient and less effective in taking care of ill-health than universal healthcare systems.

·         NHS should discharge its duties effectively regardless of the profit or loses being incurred.






Developing your arguments: Paraphrasing/Summarising

Choose one aspect (e.g. Economic or Social) and summarise and/or paraphrase the main points you noted in the outline on page 5. Use complete sentences and include in-text citations where necessary. (150 – 200 words).

Arguments in favour (Yes):



Arguments against (No):
Social Aspect

The significant of NHS privatization encompasses various social factors among them being steered by ethics, where substantial decisions are based on various social principles and standards. With that effect, NHS will certainly eliminate the political intrusion and provisional goals and objectives of its management (Kahungu, 2016). The government symbolizes the public interests at the expense of societal ethics, principles, and norms. In the same measure, the public also would use the same approach to hold the government accountable for any disarray or catastrophic occurrences that may arise in the public sector.

As Johnstone (2016) suggests, it should also be considered that once the NHS is transferred to the private sector, it is for certain that the public will lose the legitimacy enjoyed in holding health care providers accountable in case of any mess or catastrophic incidences. The rational emanates from the fact that the private corporations are lawfully obligated to reward their stakeholders by prioritizing the creation of revenues. From that aspect, it is well clear that, therefore, the private companies do not, at any instance, represent the interests of the public to reward their stakeholders. Then again, the government stands for the interests of common people. Healthcare delivery privatization, therefore, brings about numerous social impacts as increased level of fraud, more temptations to over-treat,  more drawbacks for the poor and vulnerable, as well as those suffering from chronic health complications, to access healthcare services, and more organizational wastage of resources in adverts and marketing (Pollock, 2014).

With the public interests less represented, NHS, therefore, signifies that provision of healthcare is less efficient and less effective in taking care of ill-health than universal healthcare systems (Johnstone, 2016). As the government is morally and lawfully obligated to offer fundamental services, even when not profit is to be incurred, so should the NHS, and discharge its duties effectively regardless of the profit or loses being incurred.












Week 5: Developing your arguments: Combining sources

Using the summaries you wrote in the previous task, combine them below to create the first body paragraph of your essay. Use the guide below to help you and highlight each part with the same colour. (250 – 300 words)

Body paragraph 1


Say why this is a key issue (e.g. Economic/Social)

(this is your topic sentence)


What is the counter-argument of this issue?

(this is the opinion you do not agree with)


What is the main argument if this issue?

(this is your opinion)

Why is your argument stronger than the counter-argument?

What evidence/examples do you have to support this?


What can you conclude from this? What are the implications?


You should use at least 2 sources in this paragraph.






Economic Aspect

The essence of privatizing NHS is probably to increase the degree at which efficiency in the healthcare management of services and resources is accomplished. To enhance the efficiency, various primary factors are considered in supporting the NHS privatization.  The private sector is hugely concerned with the effects of increasing their profits margins at a likely reduced expense of operations. However, the establishment of NHS has increasingly brought together various significant elements in the healthcare, regarding it among the largest unions in the healthcare industry.

The effect of transferring the ownership of such a huge group is possibly substantial enough in bringing about an integral monopoly in healthcare services and delivery. Moreover, the urge for higher profit margins, and effective and competent services delivery will certainly endure or survive just some corporations, letting the privatized NHS as the only provider of healthcare public services and hence the domination. According to Kahungu (2016), monopoly emanates the threats of public exploitation, through seeking higher prices for the fundamental services. As much as the level of management of services and resources efficiency will be enhanced, the effects of privatizing NHS will at some point increase and even worsen the cost and deterioration of the healthcare services resulting from the urge to cut the operational and services costs at the effort of increasing the profit margins.

To the best of my understanding, the significance of NHS privatization involved in the modern private ownership, as represented best by corporations, is just a mere form of implicit state control through particular regulatory schemes and approaches, complicated tax regulations, and are exploitable and state-based protections such as scarce liability and subsidies. The elements of privatization have been notable, as the dissemination of certain services to private companies, which has benefited the companies in effect at the expense of the public (Pollock, 2014).

Social Aspect

The significant of NHS privatization encompasses various social factors among them being steered by ethics, where substantial decisions are based on various social principles and standards. With that effect, NHS will certainly eliminate the political intrusion and provisional goals and objectives of its management (Kahungu, 2016). The government symbolizes the public interests at the expense of societal ethics, principles, and norms. In the same measure, the public also would use the same approach to hold the government accountable for any disarray or catastrophic occurrences that may arise in the public sector.

As Johnstone (2016) suggests, it should also be considered that once the NHS is transferred to the private sector, it is for certain that the public will lose the legitimacy enjoyed in holding health care providers accountable in case of any mess or catastrophic incidences. The rational emanates from the fact that the private corporations are lawfully obligated to reward their stakeholders by prioritizing the creation of revenues. From that aspect, it is well clear that, therefore, the private companies do not, at any instance, represent the interests of the public to reward their stakeholders. Then again, the government stands for the interests of common people. Healthcare delivery privatization, therefore, brings about numerous social impacts as increased level of fraud, more temptations to over-treat,  more drawbacks for the poor and vulnerable, as well as those suffering from chronic health complications, to access healthcare services, and more organizational wastage of resources in adverts and marketing (Pollock, 2014).

With the public interests less represented, NHS, therefore, signifies that provision of healthcare is less efficient and less effective in taking care of ill-health than universal healthcare systems (Johnstone, 2016). As the government is morally and lawfully obligated to offer fundamental services, even when not profit is to be incurred, so should the NHS, and discharge its duties effectively regardless of the profit or loses being incurred.

Sources Used

Johnstone, I., 2016. ‘Creeping privatization of healthcare is damaging the NHS, study finds’.             Independent, 28th July. Available at:            and-families/health-news/nhs-health-service-healthcare-privatisation-a7160771.html             (Accessed 22 January 2018).

Kahungu, L., 2016. Should the NHS be privatized? Potential merits and demerits of             privatization of the National Health Service.

Pollock, A., 2014. Privatization of the NHS, Privatization keeps on failing patients despite a             decade of warnings. The Guardian.

























Using the same process you did for the first body paragraph, complete your essay below.

(900 words: +/- 10%)

The NHS should be privatised. Discuss


Established in 1948, the National Health Service (NHS) refers to the identity used for every public health services in the UK, as well as a term used to describe them collectively. The service was established based on such founding values of being comprehensive, universal and free at the point of delivery. According to Cotter, Barber, and McKee, (1994), each service was set to offer a comprehensive variety of healthcare services, free for the citizens generally resident in the UK, apart from the dental treatment and optical care. However, various divergence in opinions has been noted for a while on the grounds whether the NHS be privatized on not. Since it has been a complex stand to find the evidence of the effect of this on performance since, I would, therefore, suggest that NHS should not be privatized. This paper will provide elaborative reasons as to why NHS not be privatized in regards to its economic and social effects, using an argumentative approach.

Economic Aspect

The essence of privatizing NHS is probably to increase the degree at which efficiency in the healthcare management of services and resources is accomplished. To enhance the efficiency, various primary factors are considered in supporting the NHS privatization.  The private sector is hugely concerned with the effects of increasing their profits margins at a likely reduced expense of operations. However, the establishment of NHS has increasingly brought together various significant elements in the healthcare, regarding it among the largest unions in the healthcare industry.

The effect of transferring the ownership of such a huge group is possibly substantial enough in bringing about an integral monopoly in healthcare services and delivery. Moreover, the urge for higher profit margins, and effective and competent services delivery will certainly endure or survive just some corporations, letting the privatized NHS as the only provider of healthcare public services and hence the domination. According to Kahungu (2016), monopoly emanates the threats of public exploitation, through seeking higher prices for the fundamental services. As much as the level of management of services and resources efficiency will be enhanced, the effects of privatizing NHS will at some point increase and even worsen the cost and deterioration of the healthcare services resulting from the urge to cut the operational and services costs at the effort of increasing the profit margins.

To the best of my understanding, the significance of NHS privatization involved in the modern private ownership, as represented best by corporations, is just a mere form of implicit state control through particular regulatory schemes and approaches, complicated tax regulations, and are exploitable and state-based protections such as scarce liability and subsidies. The elements of privatization have been notable, as the dissemination of certain services to private companies, which has benefited the companies in effect at the expense of the public (Pollock, 2014).

Social Aspect

The significant of NHS privatization encompasses various social factors among them being steered by ethics, where substantial decisions are based on various social principles and standards. With that effect, NHS will certainly eliminate the political intrusion and provisional goals and objectives of its management (Kahungu, 2016). The government symbolizes the public interests at the expense of societal ethics, principles, and norms. In the same measure, the public also would use the same approach to hold the government accountable for any disarray or catastrophic occurrences that may arise in the public sector.

As Johnstone (2016) suggests, it should also be considered that once the NHS is transferred to the private sector, it is for certain that the public will lose the legitimacy enjoyed in holding health care providers accountable in case of any mess or catastrophic incidences. The rational emanates from the fact that the private corporations are lawfully obligated to reward their stakeholders by prioritizing the creation of revenues. From that aspect, it is well clear that, therefore, the private companies do not, at any instance, represent the interests of the public to reward their stakeholders. Then again, the government stands for the interests of common people. Healthcare delivery privatization, therefore, brings about numerous social impacts as increased level of fraud, more temptations to over-treat,  more drawbacks for the poor and vulnerable, as well as those suffering from chronic health complications, to access healthcare services, and more organizational wastage of resources in adverts and marketing (Pollock, 2014).

With the public interests less represented, NHS, therefore, signifies that provision of healthcare is less efficient and less effective in taking care of ill-health than universal healthcare systems (Johnstone, 2016). As the government is morally and lawfully obligated to offer fundamental services, even when not profit is to be incurred, so should the NHS, and discharge its duties effectively regardless of the profit or loses being incurred.


Since its initiation in 1948, the NHS has brought together the health practitioners, the healthcare facilities, the patients and the government under the same organization to offer free public healthcare services at certain points of delivery. Since its initiation, the provision of medical care and services has been exclusively free and essentially funded from taxation. However, NHS has risen to be one of the core concern in defining the social, economic and political aspects in the UK, where various arguments are raised as to whether it really provides safer and efficient services to citizens. Well, according to above findings, it doesn’t. NHS has emanated the effects of integral monopoly in healthcare services and delivery as well as losing the public’s legitimacy in holding health care providers accountable catastrophic incidences. The NHS should employ and train skilful personnel and organize a comprehensive range of healthcare services and delivery and not dominate their services opened up to the for-profit sector.


Reference List
Cotter, S.M., Barber, N.D. and McKee, M., 1994. Survey of clinical pharmacy services in             United Kingdom National Health Service hospitals. American Journal of Health-  System             Pharmacy, 51(21), pp.2676-2684.

Johnstone, I., 2016. ‘Creeping privatization of healthcare is damaging the NHS, study finds’.             Independent, 28th July. Available at:        and-families/health-news/nhs-health-service-healthcare-privatisation-a7160771.html    (Accessed 22 January 2018).

Kahungu, L., 2016. Should the NHS be privatized? Potential merits and demerits of          privatization of the National Health Service.

Pollock, A., 2014. Privatization of the NHS, Privatization keeps on failing patients despite a             decade of warnings. The Guardian.



Week 10: Getting a First!

Tick () the appropriate column to check that your essay has included the necessary parts to help it get as high a grade as possible!

Good evidence Some evidence Insufficient evidence
Knowledge and understanding
Have you worked through the tasks in this portfolio? þ
Have you paraphrased/summarised ideas effectively? þ
Do your portfolio tasks show understanding of the essay writing process? þ
Have you researched and supported your ideas with evidence and examples? þ
Cognitive/Intellectual Skills
Does your essay include an introduction and conclusion? þ
Do your body paragraphs contain a counter-argument, argument & evidence/examples, using appropriate linking words? þ
Have you used at least 4 sources (2 of them can be from class or reading list) & combined your sources effectively? þ
Have you made your opinions clear? þ
Graduate: Transferable Employability & Practical Skills
Are you within the word count? þ
Have you checked for spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes? þ
Have you used appropriate academic style and appropriate vocabulary? þ
Have you included in-text citations and a reference list that follow Harvard Style? þ
Do you show good awareness of your strengths and weaknesses (skills audit and PDP target)? þ