Organizational Behavior in the Workplace

Organizational Behavior in the Workplace

  • Type of paperAssignment
  • SubjectBusiness
  • Number of pages3
  • Format of citationAPA
  • Number of cited resources0
  • Type of serviceWriting from scratch

The job skills are listed on the attached instructions. Please inform me if you need any clarification.

Organizational Behavior in the Workplace


It is an obvious assumption that at some point one had gone to work, finished their duties throughout their shift, clocked out, and repeated the same process as their workdays fold. Nonetheless, it is also certain that there is no day they have ever stopped for a while and contemplate how their efforts, attitude, and actions influence their company, other employees or even themselves. Therefore, the managers need to have significant knowledge of the organizational behavior to ensure the goals of the company becomes achieved.

This summary will, therefore, discuss the following topics: the connection between organizational behavior and the job skills – communication, leadership, and conflict resolution; how the skills improve performance; how organizational behavior aids in decision-making and problem solving; and the consequences of unethical behavior in the workplace.

The connection between organizational behavior and the job skills

Organizational behavior refers to the study of people’s behavior in their work to establish success. The behaviors are used to ascertain the degree to which the people adjust to approaches through the behaviors’ connection to job-relevant skills.  For example:

Communication is the only way that ensures the members in a workplace can transmit their information and ideas. With communication skills, the managers are assured of good business practice to allow them to make wise decisions on behalf of the company.

Conflicts usually pose a negative impact on the company’s development, and therefore, it decreases the company’s performance and effectiveness. Conflict resolution skill helps the managers to find a way on how the conflicts can become avoidable through numerous techniques possible.

Leadership articulates the manner through which a company shapes itself into the desired form, a platform for the members to achieve company’s goals. Because of the varying sizes of the workplaces, there exist levels to which the workers ought to work collaboratively to attain the success of the corporation through the incorporation of their above job skills.

How the job skills lead to improved performance

Communication skill within a workplace controls the behavior of the members; it motivates the employees by expressing how the job is well done, and, it provides the essential information on decision makings made to assess possible choices. Some informal system of communication such as grapevine is regarded significant in that, most of the information goes firstly through the employees. Of lately, emailing, video conferencing and other electronic forms provide the majority of people with information at almost every moment across a wide range, therefore, fasten communication and problem-solving.

Conflict resolution skills ensure that collaboration turns concern into agreement and uniformity, and arise with adequate resolution to the issues. The skill also accommodates in case of a wrong decision that might have occurred earlier, accepts its better side which allows for improved workplace performance. The skill also compromises when conflict arises and turns it to reach the goal by engrossing acceptable solutions for both sides.

Leadership skill provides essential guidelines that enable the members within a workplace to understand leadership that involves situational elements that consist of the task and duty structure of work, the degree of stress and group support, as well as the managers’ intelligence and personality in realizing improved performance.

How organizational behavior aids in decision-making and problem solving

Managers usually perform various duties and activities – allocating resources, making decisions, affecting the behavior of the employees, to achieve goals. Organizational behavior, therefore, helps the managers gain skills essential in decision-making and problem-solving. Organizational behavior helps the managers to certain critical and non-critical decisions to certain complicated issues. Decisions making process involves engaging the knowledge of aptitude for framing the alternative course of action. Mounting the decision effectiveness maximizes efficiency in the workplace. Organizational behavior helps the managers to solve certain pragmatic problems in the organization because it interprets members-workplace relationship in regards to the whole individual, whole group, whole organization, and whole social system. It aims at building better relationships by achieving human, social and organizational goals.

Predicting the consequences of unethical behavior in the workplace

Organizational behavior has a significant role in ensuring the success of the workplace or organization. Every company has members that partake in unethical behavior for their benefit perhaps. The unethical behaviors of such individuals might lead to intense mental and physical stress. The company itself may get blacklisted or their professional license revoked.

The unethical behavior might also lead to the following – a drastic drop in stock price as investors may not be willing to buy shares from such companies; harm sales of goods as the clients may boycott the products and services from the company.

Therefore, there should exist a process or a procedure as to which a worker who finds a colleague engaging in any unethical behavior to follow and act, and ensure that repercussions and disciplinary actions for such behavior undertaken.