Business Communication

Business communication

Business communication

  • Type of paperOther
  • SubjectBusiness
  • Number of pages5
  • Format of citationAPA
  • Number of cited resources3
  • Type of serviceWriting from scratch

The memo represent a fictional company and product. The company and product is the subject of the Effective Business Message document that is uploaded along with the memo instructions. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Memo format Revision 3 Constructing Effective Business Messages Scenario Instruction  Figure 9.5 content









Subject: LB Global Online Newspaper Edition



Considering our main focus which is based on collection and distribution of well searched news and useful information to our customers, our marketing office seeks to start international online media responsibility. The online activity will be to distribute news in form of online produced feeds and collection of views from the readers of our news. Driven by the local experiences of our newspaper readers and their active audience participation in our activities, the marketing department intends to explore the international media market as it introduces the publishing of a globally distributed edition of LB Global Edition. In addition, LB Global edition will be committed to provision of vast varied information fields from arts, politics, sports, business and fashions. In order for the LB Global Edition to achieve success in all the above, the marketing department seeks to call for partnerships from different interested investors so as there can be enough funding of all the required activities. The partnerships can be from mobile production and manufacturing companies who can either produce an application dubbed LB Global Edition to make it attractive for the buyers of the mobile phones read our news productions. Other partnerships could be from major media house productions like the video production house to include an advert about LB Global Edition to make the online newspaper visible to the many online video consumers in the world. Drawing partnerships with the international Television programs also will make LB Global Edition reach out many online readers as the world will have had a chance of knowing what the paper is all about through such televised advertisements. The marketing department wishes to let known our strategies to our interested partners so as make our dream a sure dream.

Online newspaper global distribution

LB international Edition aims at making international distribution of its news feeds via electronic method as it targets the intended audience. Online news distribution will enable the paper to make more sales from the subscriptions of the target customers who will be reading the news feeds. To achieve the targeted sales, the main news statements in LB Global edition will be positioned in a preferred company image depending on the tastes of the targeted audience. The target audience for the LB Global Edition will be the news seekers who love international online news feeds. Thus, the international edition will aim at reaching more readers through the much used internet social sites such as Face book, Twitter, and many others to facilitate news subscriptions. The Global edition aims at instant  news accessibility to provide accurate and true international news as it will emphasize on top of the game journalism and high quality interactive international media story telling amongst its readers. The LB Global Edition has put into consideration various factors these factors include methods of advertising, culture and language differences, international varying times, laws governing different international states, historical backgrounds of different countries and varying religious beliefs. The main function of the marketing department will be ensuring that the online global edition markets itself in the most appropriate ways so as to have a big market share and remain in the global online competition. With appropriate branding of the LB Global edition, it will be easier for the paper to have a great share of the international news market.

Establishing of integrity in the international market through diverse features from its competitors

LB Global Edition aims are to consistently offer top-quality news content which will be heart- felt and mind blowing to all its readers as this will be the papers greatest strength. In addition, the readers will have an opportunity to give their opinions on what should be done and what is not appealing to them. There will be an easy to use digital platform for the users to make contributions about the news feeds in different particular times so as to enable international interactions and views from different parts of the world. Users will also have the opportunity to use a digital platform whereby they will be posting their local news for the other people in the platform to know what’s new in other parts of the world. The contributions of the readers can be through Face book pages after the aimed Face book partnership is achieved. The LB Global Edition aims at attracting high-quality journalists who the company will retain as they will get paid for completing the tasks allocated to them (Loewy et al., 2015). The company will offer motivations to all its international journalists so as it will be in a position of covering the international trends. The journalists working with the LB Global Edition could be hired online and interviewed online meaning that the journalists will be at a position of understanding digital communication awareness. Moreover, top quality digital journalists will make a strong foundation of the LB Global Edition as it provides a room for credibility in the news sources.

Instituting of a strong advertising communication method

An advertising communication is the method that LB Global Edition will use for branding and promotions. The marketing department will use this method for marketing the newspaper edition. The marketing department intends to use this method for LB Global Edition brand awareness and also methods of information dissemination to all the readers. The sales section intends to broadly design its broadcasting program (Chong et al., 2014 pg746-768). The company’s passion is much high and thus the marketing department intends to adhere to its incorporated advertising communications. There will be consistent communication about the LB Global Edition and also intends to have a combination of all communication channels in the company to achieve a more important effect than any other company’s product. LB Global edition will be a widely used brand thus there will be need of adopting well established communication methods to positively reach the intended addressee’s interests. Different strategies such as the pull push and product profiles will be used to raise the editions perimeter in universal promotion competitiveness. The LB Global Edition will take the news products to the consumers which mean that it will be strategizing the push method.  Since the organization has moved from print media to digital news productions, the promotion and advertising department seeks to adopt Smartphone applications as a way of passing information to the consumers. The company has chosen to use media applications so as to effectively market the LB Global Edition. The design of the app will be programmed in a way that it gives only chosen headlines and summarized news. The news summaries are aimed to experience a change daily as piece of news broadcasts. The intended Smartphone application will be designed in such a way that it conforms to the fed content, the users of the content, and the user consumption content. The marketing department wishes to get various partnerships from the mobile industries so as to achieve the aim of having the LB Global Edition application. The buyers of the smart phones will have the application in their phones and when they open the app in their new devices, this will automatically make them the readers of the paper.

The marketing section will keep looking for more customers through attractive news feeds as they also keep them coming back to their digital platform. The LB Global Edition intends to employ much interactive media journalists to achieve the pull business strategy. The journalists in LB Global Edition will highly interact with the news readers in the Face book live platform which the marketing section intends to include in the global digital edition. There will be conversations about the international headlines of the edition.  All readers and news writers will have an opportunity to share their opinions as they raise debates on the fashionable interaction around the digital world. The promotions and sales department expects high numbers of subscriptions thus hoping for the editions success.

On behalf of the company, the marketing department will keep its profile credible in various ways. First, it intends to completely satisfy their projected stake holders needs as much as they meet the company’s communal promotional goals. The department will strive to bring wakefulness, discernment, and company’s reputation. In this case, the LB Global edition intends to use corporate promotions as they build the papers profile. In addition, the main activities of the marketing platform will be public relations and not so much of the product promotions. The public relations strategy will help the company to accomplish its operations globally.


LB Global Edition will be based on all the above means of conveying information as a way of promoting its international digital newspaper as they prove to be consistent and optimistic. Due to increased numbers of online news readers, there proves to be much audience who will be consumers of the LB Global edition. Thus, using digital marketing methods proves the path to follow by the company.


Bovee, C. L., Thill, J. V., & Raina, R. L. (2016). Business communication today. Pearson Education India.

Teng, S., Wei Khong, K., Wei Goh, W., & Yee Loong Chong, A. (2014). Examining the antecedents of persuasive eWOM messages in social media. Online Information Review38(6), 746-768.

Guffey, M. E., & Loewy, D. (2015). Essentials of business communication. Nelson Education