Radical Islam

Radical Islam

Radical Islam

  • Type of paperResearch Paper
  • SubjectPolitical Science
  • Number of pages4
  • Writer qualityPremium
  • Format of citationChicago/Turabian
  • Number of cited resources4

A final paper will be required in this course. Like your weekly paper assignments, this final paper assignment will take the form of an online encyclopedia-style article. Once again, the goal is for you to improve your understanding of a particular topic by explaining it as objectively, neutrally, and fairly as possible — even if you vehemently disagree with it. The final paper will be longer than your weekly papers. It will be a collaborative or group assignment. But, rather than collaborating tediously through email or a discussion board, you will be using the online application Google Docs (Links to an external site.) to collaborate on the same document asynchronously and in real-time. Your instructor will assign you to groups of 3-5. And as a group you will be able to choose your own topic, subject to approval by your instructor. The topic should be along similar lines as your weekly paper topics but sufficiently larger in scope so as to accommodate the greater length of the final paper assignment. Though you will not be using a wiki or creating actual Wikipedia articles, Wikipedia has three core rules that you should strive to follow in writing an online encyclopedia-style article: 1) maintain a neutral point of view (Links to an external site.) throughout; 2) no original research (Links to an external site.); and 3) verifiability (Links to an external site.). What this boils down to is: maintain an impartial tone, avoid loaded terms, provide balanced accounts and include criticisms, don′t present opinions as facts, only make verifiable claims for which you can link to or cite reliable, published sources. But be sure to familiarize yourselves with Wikipedia′s rules. Assignment Details Collaborative: Teams of 3-5 chosen by your instructor. Due Dates: Topic Proposal: Sunday night at midnight in Week 4. Introduction, Outline, and Bibliography: Sunday night at midnight in Week 6. Final Paper: Sunday night at midnight in Week 8. Assignment Point Values: Topic Proposal: 5 points. Introduction, Outline, and Bibliography: 15 points. Final Paper: 80 points. Length: ~4,000 words, not counting bibliography and footnotes; 1.15 line spacing. Formatting: Format your paper like an online encyclopedia article, such as Wikipedia′s featured articles (Links to an external site.). Though you will not be using a wiki or creating actual Wikipedia articles, Wikipedia has three core rules that you should strive to follow in writing an encyclopedia-style article: 1) maintain a neutral point of view (Links to an external site.) throughout; 2) no original research (Links to an external site.); and 3) verifiability (Links to an external site.). Organize your paper with various section headings and subheadings commonly used in Wikipedia articles. Some particularly important ones to include: overview or introduction, history, core tenets, varieties of X (if any), criticisms. Other possible sections include: etymology and terminology, groups and movements, political parties, X in different countries, prominent contemporary adherents. Documentation: Use some quotations, but your paper should be mostly in your own words. Link important keywords to reliable, online sources so that readers can follow the links to obtain more information on the subject. Document claims and quotations with citations in the form of footnotes. Acceptable sources include your textbooks, any relevant assigned readings/videos, academic books and journal articles, and online news articles and high-quality blogposts from reliable, published sources (when in doubt, run it by your instructor). Include a bibliography at the end of your paper. In general, follow the Chicago Manual of Style (Links to an external site.) (CMoS) or Turabian Style (Links to an external site.) (a truncated, student version of CMoS), particularly for footnotes and bibliography. If you don′t have paid access to the CMoS site or own a style guide, there are many free resources online that you can find with a Google search. Start with the Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide (Links to an external site.). Title Block: Don′t include a separate title page. The title block (name, course, date, paper title) should start at the top of the first page and be single-spaced and left-aligned, except for the paper title which should be centered and in bold with one empty space above and below it. Page Layout: 1″ margins. Page numbers in the header or footer, not in the main body of the document. Font: Use a serif-type font common in academic papers, such as Times New Roman, at an 11-12 point font size. Bibliography: Acceptable sources include your textbooks, any relevant assigned readings/videos, academic books and journal articles, and online news articles and high-quality blogposts from reliable, published sources (when in doubt, run it by your instructor). Introduction, Outline, and Bibliography: At least 10 sources. Final Paper: At least 15 sources. Writing Software: Unless your instructor tells you otherwise, you will be required to use Google Docs (Links to an external site.) for this assignment so that you can collaborate asynchronously and in real time. One of your team members will create a private document and share it with the rest of you and the instructor. Use the same document for all three parts of this assignment: Use it first to collaborate on your topic proposal. Then, for the second part, replace the topic proposal with an introduction to your paper, a working outline of the sections and subsections that will make up the rest of your paper, and a bibliography. For the final part of the assignment, you will fill in the working outline and expand the bibliography to complete your collaborative final paper. Do not submit a final paper in outline form; remember, it should look like a professional online encyclopedia article – not a detailed outline. Final Paper Topics As a group you may choose any topic for your collaborative encyclopedia-style article that is given as an option for your weekly paper assignments in weeks 1-8. Since you have not seen many of these topics yet, all of the weekly paper topics have been reproduced below in a large list. Be sure to choose a topic that you can adequately cover in about 4,000 words. Going a little over or under the word count requirement is okay. You′re not expected to hit exactly 4,000 words. But if you go much over the requirement you will need to edit your paper down to meet the required word count; and if you find yourselves much below the required word count, you will need to do more research and flesh out your paper to get it up to the requirement. Points will be deducted for papers that have too many or too few words. You are encouraged not to limit yourselves to topics covered in the first four weeks. A few of the topics listed below (marked with a red asterisk *) that are covered in later weeks have recommended supplementary readings, videos, or websites to which you do not yet have access; if you choose one of these topics, your instructor can provide you with links to the material in advance.


Radical Islam


This paper analyzes a verifiable discussion that influences the life and the conduct of a lot of individuals. The talk of radical Islam includes the good and malevolence in the socio-political existence of a given society. Western analytics see the radical Islam as a malignancy to the common community. However, the Islamists on the other hand, consider “modernization” to be an instrument in the hand of tyrannical administrations that deliver hopelessness for the middle class. They as well see it as the cause of imbalance in the social and monetary status of the average workers and the high class.

Politics is a grimy word in Arabic, in spite of the fact that many might not discover an absence of volunteers willing to openly voice their feeling, from shisha bistros in Cairo and the book shop in Beirut to parlors crosswise over America and the UK1. Similarly to other cultures, there is insignificant accord concerning general political supposition in Islam, in any case, many people in the West appear to have just a single conclusion in connection to Islam2. The Middle East as well bear this idea that the West’ is against the Middle East, against Arabs, and Islam. This is because the western countries are continuously fighting radical Islam in the name of fighting terrorism3.

Radical Islam is a lifestyle and not only an arrangement of life-affirming guidelines4. The individuals who have been radicalized, who have gone ahead to look for retribution have been Muslim, not only Arab, or Asian, but rather people with a shared factor in their confidence. In such manner, singling out the Arab and Asian people group will have little impact, and perhaps have the effect of making them more upset5.

The root issue of radical Islam comes from an absence of comprehension, for the general population required, of their religion and the governmental issues of the circumstances in which they get themselves. As already specified, Islam shows that solidarity in the Ummah is the thing that guarantees Islam keeps on being an effective constrain in world governmental issues and besides religion.

The majority of Muslims feel that the Western countries pose a war against Islam inclination6. All through the historical backdrop of the twentieth century, they learn of a great deal of conflicts that occurred under the falsification of philanthropic intercessions, security, freedom and cash. They, erroneously, trust that war is being pursued against Islam, and along these lines, in their psyches, they justify their comprehension of pursuing Jihadi.

Looking at the reasons as to why many decide to swing to radical Islam, the West is always in the equation. What could drive to board a  public transport means with a bomb inside their rucksack? What might lead anybody to execute honest writers and help laborers? Or even stroll into the daily paper’s office and murder everybody inside? Many such cases have been witnessed and related to radical Islamic groups. Such groups include the Al-Qaeda, IS, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab and Jabhat Al-Nusra.7

As indicated by Bruce Hoffman, the risk of psychological oppression originates from the capacity of these gatherings to pick up support from the young fellows and prepare them to battle for the sake of Islam. They are therefore taken through radicalization that involves a series of steps.

The procedure of radicalisation has distinctive stages. The primary stage, for the most part, observes somebody turn out to be more religious, now and again, somebody who has never been religious, or perhaps was not an Islam believer, may begin followership, and start observing Islamic religious necessities. The individual may, in the long run, begin to authorize their suppositions onto others. However, it is normal for some people to turn towards their confidence at various circumstances of their lives but this alone isn’t verification that somebody is getting to be radicalized or planning anything untoward.


The purposes behind the connection between expanded devoutness and radical Islam are generally because of the deep sense of being in the religion. When one practices Islam, or some other religion, and truly gets into it, they start to comprehend and can achieve a level of most profound sense of being in which they are exceptionally mindful of their deficiencies. They then realize an inclination to enhance themselves. When anyone gets to this level of otherworldly existence, it is simple for those with the motivation of their own, the pioneers of IS and Al-Qaeda for instance, to control them, to change their comprehension to fit their particular plans.

Radical Islam has been blamed for the recent war in Gaza and other places in the Middle East8. The radicalized persons have based their cause of actions to the Quran. They utilize profoundly flawed and inaccurate meanings of verses from the Quran to legitimize their contentions. Fear based oppression has been used as the best way to make what looks wrong to them justified. In their brains, they are doing as God instructs them to secure the Ummah.

In the light of Jihadi John being established, data about him by a human rights associations initially depicted him as a kind and tender man. A hypothesis would need to be applied to legitimize the possibility that somebody so pleasant could be completely mentally programmed into submitting demonstrations loathsomeness, which any semblance of radical Islam attempt to separate themselves from. A previous Al-Qaeda agent who additionally worked with the British security clarified that the individuals who were going to the preparation camps were at that point either self-destructive and needed to die in ways which they erroneously accepted would be respectable, or they were murderous crazy people who aimed at slaughtering whatever number individuals as could reasonably be expected before going out with their blast of grandness9.

Radical Islam needs to be curbed but should as well be fought as psychological warfare. With a specific end goal to comprehend the adversary, one must think like the foe. The administrations of all states must be more thoughtful on their way to deal with the direct Muslim people group in their nations, on the grounds that the likelihood to make a gathering for discourse, and build up a further understanding in the matter of why a few people feel like there is no other decision than to wage war is key in the event that we are to keep it from happening once more. The government should understand the distinction between the radical Islam and Islam. Tey should never be treated as the same thing at all costs.

The circumstances in the Middle East caused by radical Islam has been ongoing for a long time, and has influenced numerous eras, and will keep on doing so if no long haul plan are made. All things considered, there is no point looking to a major single occasion that will change the course of history, rather what requires to happen are some little, incremental choices. What is required is for the Muslim states, in Africa and Asia and additionally in the Middle East to take control and contain radicalization10. In the meantime, the Western states need to permit Islamic administrations to build up their ways of dealing with the problem. Their support, ad not interference would be much appreciated.

In conclusion, the emergence of Radical Islam is just a small section of what can be termed as the worldwide crisis in global politics. It should be known that the “pathology” is not only limited to the East and Northern Africa but affects the very fabric of civility in the Western countries. Cases have been seen where people are continually losing their freedom to the administrations in the name of “combating terrorism.” This has been an indication that the Western democracy is now moving towards dictatorship gradually.11



1 Burke, Al-Qaeda: the true story of radical Islam. IB Tauris, 2004, p. 38

ibid, p. 56

3 Bawer, Bruce. While Europe slept: How radical Islam is destroying the West from within. Anchor Books, 2007. p. 15

4 ibid, p. 23

5 ibid, p. 43

6 Kepel, Gilles. The roots of radical Islam. Saqi Books, 2005. p.66

7 ibid, p.76

8 ibid, p.101

9 ibid, p.703

10 Miller, Judith. “Challenge of Radical Islam, The.” Foreign Aff. p.72

11 ibid, p.73