Impact of eCommerce and supply chain management and relationship on SME development in Oman

Impact of eCommerce and supply chain management and relationship on SME development in Oman

Impact of eCommerce and supply chain management and relationship on SME development in Oman

Research Proposal

Impact of eCommerce and supply chain management and relationship on SME development in Oman


The development of Information Technology has upgraded customers’ and associations’ capacity to accumulate data alongside buying merchandise and ventures. It offers organizations increased competition, bring down costs of merchandise and enterprises. The decision of looking at items from a variety of sellers and simple access to different merchants anywhere, at whatever time is as well enhanced. Along these lines, ecommerce encourages the worldwide way of doing business since E-commerce plays a major role in monetary exercises. Web based business is one of the main non-oil segments in Oman, 18.9 % GDP. Interestingly the web based business has not been as effectively embraced in Oman due to uncertainty.

This section addresses the difficulties and advantages of e-commerce and supply chain management in connection to SMEs in Oman. It presents quantitative proof of SMEs view of web based business innovation, advantages, and obstructions. Various speculations are displayed and surveyed. Proposals to relieve barriers are recommended.


E-commerce arrangements are comprehensively observed to incorporate an extensive variety of ”programming, equipment, media transmission and data administration systems and applications that are utilized to make, deliver, break down, process, bundle, disperse, get, recover, store and translate data” (Information Resources Management Association, 2012).

In many counties in the world, online business commands their monetary exercises (Leakey, et al.,2013). The significance of online business in Oman can’t be over underscored as it is a standout amongst the most likely of non-oil segments in the nation. This is recognized as one of the main non-oil segments in the country, contributing to 18.9 % GDP. (Grey, et al., 2013)

Ecommerce advanced as a consequence of business exploiting the differing benefits IT brings to the table (Mendon & Fitzgerald, 2006). EC can along these lines be depicted as the use of different IT instruments that bolster the progression and advancement of business exercises both externally and internally (Kim, et al.,2015).

Problem Statement

For a long time, there has been uncertainties I what the impact of eCommerce and supply chain management in SME development is. This has not only been a challenge in Oman but in other countries as well. Ecommerce being important to different stakeholders including coordinators, business partners and implementers of business transactions, there needs to be a clear outline on the impacts ecommerce and supply chain management has on SME’s. (Chen, 2011).

Research Questions

  1. What is the relationship between eCommerce and supply chain management and SME’s in Oman?
  2. How do stakeholders rely on eCommerce and supply chain management in their business operations in Oman?
  3. What are the impacts of supply chain management and eCommerce on SME development in Oman?
  4. How and to what extent has eCommerce and supply chain management influenced SME development in Oman?
  5. How could the stakeholders in Oman establish an effective way enhancing smooth transition in the SME’s in the urge of adopting eCommerce and supply chain management in to their system?


Research Objectives

  1. To identify the relationship between eCommerce and supply chain management and SME’s in Oman
  2. To outline how stakeholders, rely on eCommerce and supply chain management in their business operations in Oman
  3. To identify the impacts of supply chain management and eCommerce on SME development in Oman
  4. To find out the extent eCommerce and supply chain management has on SME development in Oman
  5. To suggest ways in which stakeholders in Oman can establish an effective way of enhancing smooth transition in the SME’s in the urge of adopting eCommerce and supply chain management in to their system

Research Hypothesis

The following statements are used to formulate the hypotheses:

  1. When the relationship between ecommerce and supply chain management is well-understood, better measures could be put in place to provide a better understanding of the impacts it has on SME development in Oman.
  2. If Supply Chain Management and ecommerce is efficiently incorporated by distributors, manufacturers, customers and suppliers, there would be a long-term improvement in the performance of SME’s and the whole supply chain, hence an effective and high-performing business (Ashrafi & Murtaza, 2008)
  3. SME’s are aimed at realizing profits by setting a competitive advantage that is meant to distinguish themselves from their competitors and adoption of ecommerce and supply chain management could help in realization of this goal.
  4. The emergence of Ecommerce and supply chain management has helped SME’s achieve greater collaboration in the supply chain stakeholders which has as well acted as a factor in the automation process of the supply chain. (Manochehri, et al.,2012).
  5. The increasing availability and the advances and of ecommerce and supply chain management in Oman between the manufacturers, suppliers and distributors has been linked together to form seamlessly integrated systems (Oman, 2011).


Importance of the Study

The execution of ecommerce and supply chain management solutions to bolster SMEs can be economical for an association from numerous points of view (Chiton & Azevedo, 2006). It can expand adaptability, lessen the event of mistakes in paper-based exercises, accomplish quicker reaction times and lower the cost of work (Tan, et al., 2010). But in spite of the endeavours being made by numerous associations to utilize ecommerce and supply chain management solutions to bolster their inventory network technique, challenges still exist that repress successful integration (Paulus & Latham, 2010). A significant part of literature perceives this to be at a great extent because of the way that the majority of the providers have restricted aptitudes and assets, and in this way making reconciliation with whatever remains of the supply chain problematic (Almoawi, 2011).

Because of this, clear understanding of the impacts of ecommerce and supply chain management in SME development can contribute a realization of an effective integration.


Research Framework

Type of investigation:

The research will examine available literature on the topic and will combine the two methods; exploratory study, to allow deeper understanding of the situation by offering some open questions to participants. This will serve to enable the process of drawing conclusions easy based on the information gathered, and descriptive study, to provide a summary of the questionnaire and to better describe the impact of ecommerce and supply chain management. (Apulus & Latham, 2011).

Data collection method:

The data for the research will be compiled using qualitative and quantitative research methods. I will conduct unstructured interviews with stakeholders at the capital, Muscat and other towns around Oman for comparison of the responses. The interviews are essential to understand and investigate the process done to achieve the desired knowledge on the impact of ecommerce and supply chain management in SME’s in Oman. I will also submit an online questionnaire, to investigate how those stakeholders that I would not be able to reach physically voice their opinion accordingly.

Sampling Method:

When it comes to sampling methods, the research question and objective will determine the method selected (Al-Gharbi & Ashrafi, 2010). As my research question is about the impact of ecommerce and supply chain management in SME’s in Oman, definition of the sampling frame at this level will be inaccurate. This suggests that a non-probability sampling method will be applied. After researching further, the different sampling technics of the non-probability sampling method, I believe that the best method will be volunteer sampling; self-selection sampling as this will allow me to advertise my need for participants and gather the data from those who will respond.

Accessibility issues:

It will be vital to conduct the interviews with the key members of staff in manufacturing, supply and customers in order to obtain the most accurate information. However, some of the key employees are based far from Muscat and it will be challenging to access them to conduct the interviews. Another accessibility issue will be gathering enough participants that will be willing to complete the research questionnaire. In order to overcome these issues, I will use my account to circulate the online questionnaire, and I will make myself available accordingly to respond to the questions and questions that will be raised by the respondents.

Ethical Issues:

Ethical concerns are influenced by the type of investigation and chosen methods and they are possible at any stage; research proposal, data collection, sampling, analysing and submitting the findings (Irfan, et al., 2012). Inability to distinguish and address moral issues can put the behaviour and the discoveries of a study in risk (Ige, 2011). This research will be guided by the fundamental moral standards set out in the Compton report, (2007) which are: Respect for people; Beneficence; and Justice. Besides, the individual way of subjective request requires the specialist to pay investigation to a few contemplations, for example, as protection of participants, informed consent, confidentiality, and anonymity (Compton et al., 2007).

There are two main ethical issues that will probably encompass my research; bias, as many of the respondents will have to come from one of the three components of the chain, manufacturing, distribution or consumption (White et al.,2014). Every stakeholder might tend to leave out the negative impacts ecommerce and supply chain management might have on the sector. Another ethical issue will be seeking permission from the relevant authorities when to authorize the usage of the information I will acquire during my research. To deal with both issues, I plan to analyse the interviews and questionnaires as they are, without bringing my personal opinion or influence from an outside source. I will also follow the ethical guidelines, and submit for all participants Participant Consent Form (PCF) as well as Participant Information Sheet (PIS).

Data Analysis Plan:

The data will be analysed using qualitative information gathered during the interviews, to form an understanding of the impact of ecommerce and supply chain management in SME’s in Oman. The questionnaire will provide quantitative information and will be analysed by collecting the feedback and comparing the results to suggest patterns and figures.

Research limitations:

The main limitation might be the timeframe available to conduct the research. It will be challenging to find the time to hold interviews with all the desired key stakeholders based in Muscat and other towns in Oman, as well as reaching out to general participants, in order for them to complete the research questionnaire. The limited timeframe will also effect the ability to process all the available literature and data collected.








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