Gun Violence in Chicago

Gun Violence in Chicago

Gun Violence in Chicago

  • Type of paperEssay (Any Type)
  • SubjectCriminology
  • Number of pages5
  • Writer qualityStandard
  • Format of citationMLA
  • Number of cited resources2

A: The primary source for your answer must be from out text book. All other source used must be cited, however you MUST use our textbook as your main source of information. If you copy more than four (4) words in a row from any other source, you must cite it, or you will be deemed to have committed plagiarism. D: All exams will be typed, double spaced in 12 point times New Roman, with 1″ margins on the left and right side, as well as on the top and bottom of the page. E: In addition to the exam, all papers will have an additional cover page identifying the student, course, date and the number of the question that is answered. The cover page is not counted as one of the required five (5) pages of your exam. G: Spelling, correct grammar and punctuation are important concepts. H: This paper is a research paper and therefore is not to be used to merely express your own opinion. Statements such as ″I feel,″ or ″I think,″ or ″It is my opinion.″ should be used sparingly. Base your answers on existing police policies, proven techniques and/or fact. Topic: Define and discuss so called “gun violence”. Explain its effect, if any, on Chicago and how to effectively combat the spiraling homicide rate. B: You must have at least two (2) additional published sources that are cited in your work. These sources as well as all other sources that you use will be listed on a page after your exam work. This page will be the BIBLIOGRAPHY page and is not to be counted as a page of your exam. Published does not mean internet sources. MUST USE THE BOOK Criminology second edition by Frank Schmalleger


Gun Violence in Chicago


Firearm brutality represents a noteworthy danger to the wellbeing and security of all Americans. Urban weapon savagery addresses issues key to American life: prosperity, uniformity, opportunity, and community. Many city inhabitants are murdered or harmed with firearms every year necessitating the leaders and other group pioneers to seek for better solutions to deal with the problem. Consistently in the United States,93 individuals pass on from gun injuries, and an extra 240 sustain gunshot wounds. (Cook et al., p.34) Lately, groups crosswise over Chicago have attempted to create compelling solutions for the issue of firearm savagery and the increasing rate of crimes. This paper is aimed at giving the law implementation, State and the local authorities, prosecutors, judges, school managers, group associations, and other neighborhood partners with the instruments for battling gun brutality in their groups to control the expanding rate of manslaughters. It incorporates an outline for groups to build up their own thorough, key brutality lessening arrangement and an abundance of handy data on proven and promising gun violence lessening procedures and projects.


Chicago has ended up synonymous with firearm brutality, drawing in consideration from the press, lawmakers, and advocates on the two sides of the gun debates. Pundits take a gander at Chicago’s level of weapon viciousness and the moderately strict firearm laws set up in the city and the condition of Illinois prove that tight gun laws are not as effective as they would be expected to be (Frank, p.23). As indicated by Frank, the city has as of been seeing a rise in gun violence year after year. The city’s crime rates have of late almost surpassed the crime rates in cities like New York. In 2011, the aggregate number of firearm related murders was 430 (Frank, p.85). As brutality rises, an expanding number of shootings and killings are going unsolved.

Gun violence in Chicago and its effects

Chicago is among the urban areas in the nation that has a wide racial segregation. It has a spike in brutality that tends to affect the inhabitants in different ways. Families that that have since a long time ago battled with savagery and have experienced a tremendous sensational increment (Cook et al., p.75).

The ever-increasing savagery is seen even as the police department in this city is under scrutiny for potential social liberties infringement, with an emphasis on whether racial inconsistencies in the agency’s utilization of force is present. Chicago, having more than 2.5 million individuals, has generally comparable quantities of white, Hispanic and African -American inhabitants, as per the Census information. (Frank, p.74).  About 33% of Chicago population distinguishes as Hispanic. However, the number of firearm related manslaughters in the city falls lopsidedly on the Blacks. (Frank, p.29). An overview carried out involving 2,300 Chicago residents found about 50% of Hispanic and African-American inhabitants had rolled out improvements to their day by day schedules as an aftereffect of the rising of savagery, contrasted by just a fourth of Whites. The rest saw nothing to worry about (Cook et al., p.243)

Frank (2011) in his book notes that the White and African-American inhabitants are split into their perspectives of the cops and the racial predispositions of the law enforcement arm. It is only a small population of African-American respondents who said that the cops were doing a great job in an attempt to counter gun violence in the city. This made only 10% of them (Frank, p.67). This was highly contrasted to 50% of the whites who believed that the police were doing a commendable job in an attempt to counter gun violence in Chicago. A great percentage of the African-American interviewees commented that the criminal justice arm performed “poorly” with regards to the issue. This made 49%, while over 80% of them stated that the arm dealt with criminals differently with regard to their race. The minorities received unreasonable treatment more often than not.

Remedies to Gun Violence in Chicago

All things considered, there are various techniques that Chicago could utilize to decrease gun violence. Some barely target specific parts of urban firearm viciousness while others look for more extensive citywide effects. A couple has been actualized on various occasions and crosswise over numerous urban communities, while others are new however encouraging. Chicago can tackle its information to comprehend better the particular elements that drive weapon viciousness. It is known that Chicago, IL, examines crime gun trace data that uncovered every one of the wellsprings of the city’s underground weapon market, which helps lawmakers address weapon crime with arrangements customized to local conditions (Frank, p.311).

A standout amongst the best methodology would be diminishing the supply of unlawful weapons by removing the wellsprings of their local black markets. Since a few crooks steal guns put away in cars, a government funded training effort could be started to advance mindful firearm stockpiling in vehicles and decrease the likelihood for burglary.

Moreover, Chicago could enhance open spaces to make it harder for culprits to stash or utilize guns. Empty spaces that give a concealing spot to firearms could be wiped out through associations to change them into green spaces. Lighting regions that are dangerous after dim could as well help in curbing firearm brutality outside open lodging units (Frank, p.214).

Embracing measures to enhance examinations of gun violence and leaving fewer firearm violations unsolved could also end up being a powerful system. A disposed of gun or a couple spent casings is solid confirmation that can interface a wrongdoing scene to a culprit, and officers ought to improve utilization of that proof in Chicago — from intensive legal investigation of recuperated crime firearms into protocols for proof accumulation that guarantee weapons arrests stand up in court.

Chicago could, also, break the cycle of viciousness and striking back by running projects that concentrate on the spots and individuals well on the way to be influenced. These projects ought to be aimed at changing group and individual conduct and to defuse clashes before they arise. The city ought to work with law implementation, outreach specialists, and clinics to connect with high-risk people and give them contrasting options to viciousness (Frank, p.85). They can offer positive conflicting options to these people before they fall into patterns of brutality, utilize intercessions appeared to have long haul impacts on fierce conduct. Chicago, IL, has been steering new projects, including intellectual, behavioral treatment and fleeting summer work, would decrease captures and expand graduation rates. Also, in light of the fact that lethal abusive behavior at home records for upwards of one in six murders in Chicago (Cook et al., p.325), the city pioneers ought to guarantee that unsafe local abusers don’t have unlawful access to weapons.

But despite the fact that weapon viciousness is high in this city, Chicago has been censured for relatively light sentencing rules for those discovered possessing guns unlawfully. The vast majority indicted unlawful weapon ownership get the base sentence, one year, (Frank, p.306), and serve not as much as half of the sentence in light of time for proper conduct and pre-trial control. The base sentence for criminals found possessing a gun is two years. As per (Cook et al., p.56), those accused of straightforward firearm ownership had a normal of four earlier captures. Those accused of gun ownership by a criminal had a normal of ten earlier captures.


Nonetheless, none of these strategies alone is sufficient to wipe out weapon viciousness in any American city nor is any of them appropriate for the city at all times. But, together, this arrangement of systems could address a promising methodology: embracing proof based measures that are custom fitted to how firearm savagery in any given city works. By handling weapon viciousness along these lines, Chicago can fabricate solid and vibrant communities, and spare lives. Some of these techniques barely target specific parts of urban firearm viciousness while others look for more extensive citywide effects.

As various significant American urban communities are reporting a greater number of manslaughters this year than a year ago, the general number of killings in the nation’s greatest urban areas has expanded in 2016 – with only one city representing almost 50% of the aggregate spike. Chicago has encountered half of the general increment in murders reported by significant urban areas. This report has just touched the most superficial layer of research accessible on firearm viciousness in Chicago. And, as various as the highlighted city’s endeavors may be, they speak to only a small amount of the moves being made by groups the nation over. Chicago’s strict firearm laws demonstrate that tighter control doesn’t equivalent less gun violence. Chicago’s weapon brutality issue is more muddled where 60% of the weapons utilized as a part of shootings were bought out of state (Frank, p.290).



Works Cited

Frank J.S Criminology (2nd Edition). The Justice Series. Pearson Publishers, 2011.

Cook, Philip J, and Jens Ludwig. Gun Violence: The Real Costs. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2016. Print.