Lodgings and Resorts Planning and Design

Lodgings and Resorts Planning and Design

Lodgings and Resorts Planning and Design










Table of Contents



The current trend and its Advantages………………………………………

Hotel design……………………………………………………………………

Upscale materials……………………………………………………………..

Innovation and technology……………………………………………………

Beds and Bedding…………………………………………………………….



Use of Elegant Designs to Attract Customers: contemporary examples…..










Hotel proprietors and architects are continually searching for new responses to the question of what they ought to do to expand their benefits and cut on expenses in the hotel industry. They realize that today’s travelers need a hotel that is as satisfying. Hues, music, and fine art are among the familiar ways hoteliers attempt to make an exceptional situation (Rutes, Penner, & Adams, 2011). However, two particularly effective techniques include following the current trend in Fixtures, Furniture & Equipment (FF& E) in the hotel business. No place is as competitive as the hotel industry (Rutes et al., 2011). The look and feel of a property can promptly turn visitors on – or off.  In this paper, the impact the design of a hotel including Fixtures, Furniture & Equipment (FF& E has on the overall wellbeing of the hotel as well as the satisfaction and wellbeing of the customer will be discussed.


Introduction (Q1)

Fixtures, Furniture & Equipment alludes to a wide range of items bought to fit out hotels – before opening, amid restoration or basically as a component of the progressing operation. It does exclude consumable things, for example, nourishment and drink, daily papers or visitor amenities.

Settling on the right selection of Fixtures, Furniture & Equipment (FF& E) according to the current trend, has various advantages. Despite the fact that FF& E is continually going to be an imperative thought and significant use for hoteliers, they comprehend the essence of it all. Having the items well set draws in clients at any season from far and wide (Rutes et al., 2011).


The current trend and its Advantages

These items highly impact the client appeal by making a room look refurbished, without costing a lot of cash. They make an impression to the client. Each visitor needs to spend time in a pretty room, regardless of the price point of the inn. So proprietors and administrators are responding by turning proficient designers who can assemble FF&E bundles that are both alluring and reasonable (Ayala, 2011). These hoteliers understand that essentially including decorations is not the same thing as making a finished look. Three most imperative impressions visitors normally recollect around an inn stay are the look of the lobby, the ambiance of their room, and the nature of the customer service. That is the reason a hotel must persistently and painstakingly center impressive consideration on these things.

The Fixtures, Furniture & Equipment catch the consideration of everyone who strolls through it. The anteroom is among the hotelier’s – and the designer’s – hardest errands so far as design is concerned. Space and the decorations must be deliberately adjusted to the geological setting and additionally to the mix of clientele.

The FF& E gives the hotels a unique appeal. The hotel’s unique appeal needs to proceed in the interior of the hotel. Numerous properties are right now attempting to make a sentiment of comfort and home with such components.

Durability is another element that is very advantageous to the hotel owners (Gunn, & Var, 2012). When adjusted in the current trend of Fixtures, Furniture & Equipment, they offer a unique serene environment without necessarily having to demand a lot of cash. The fact that they are durable spares cash when harm happens – as it unavoidably will – in light of the fact that the hotel won’t need to supplant a whole drawer or piece of furniture.

On fabrics on bedspreads and furniture, they are getting to be heavier and more stain safe, thanks to the current trend. The materials meet or surpass the “twofold rubs” standard and highlight acrylic backing for less crease slippage (Huffadine, 2010). This makes a comfortable feeling for the customer along these lines making them have an inspirational disposition towards the hotel. It is, therefore, the commitment of the hotelier to choose furniture and lighting to make acoustic designs that maximize comfort.

On the other hand, the current trend in the Fixtures, Furniture & Equipment guarantees the wellbeing for the customer. They offer an environmentally-sensitive area that offers great air quality and a perfect look. Security and safety is an extra favorable position that following the current trend in The Fixtures, Furniture & Equipment has. This ensures that the property shields visitors from human-made and characteristic risks (Inskeep & Kallenberger, 2012). It additionally builds the dependability of the hotel. Supporting the inn with effective, state-of-the-art heating, ventilating, air-conditioning (HVAC) frameworks, in addition to other equipment that requires little upkeep, encounters negligible loss of administration, and uses less vitality is prescribed.

Moreover, having innovative availability encourages easy and complete correspondence for all visitors in different hotel areas, from open space to visitor rooms, while having the adaptability to adjust the property to future innovation enhancements (Lawson, & Lawson, 2006). Everybody, including the customers, values brilliant innovation, for instance, smart pads, smart phones, and smart cards since these gadgets are versatile, intelligent, and connected. It is these same qualities that portray savvy hotel plan.

Previously, the most vital contemplations for acquiring supervisors were whether what was being bought was ‘fit for purpose’ and issues like quality, viability, value for money, outline and item life expectancy. However today, capable hotel administrators ought to likewise calculate other criteria which consider the effects it will have on the overall satisfaction of the client and the organization profitability.

Hotel design (Q2)

Research shows that it takes as meager as three seconds for a hotel to create an impression. The first impression becomes nearly impossible to change and sets the tone for the rest of the time one will spend in that hotel (Design Hotels, 2015). That is the reason why the design of an inn is imperative. This is on account that it is the first thing visitors see when they get to the hotel. It’s likewise where visitors end their visit, so the design of the lobby may figure out whether the visitor expects to return by any stretch of the imagination. It is in this manner recommendable that the outlook of the inn makes an “Amazing” component with guests at first sight.

The utilization of architectural elements to intrigue the eye and make a sensational look will dependably win big on the clients’ trust and fulfillment. Illustrations incorporate curves that are trimmed with thick wood shaping, sections secured in marble or fascinating woods, and arch or barrel roofs highlighting a wall painting (Penner, et al., 2013).

The utilization of sleek design features passes on a comfortable feeling that invites and relieves the customers. For instance, creating the appeal of an outdoor atrium by deliberately consolidating a sky facing the window with bunches of greenery and open space has ended up being productive. Creating a comfortable patio by utilizing greenery to encompass a wellspring or other water component, has accomplished similar results as well (Plunkett & Reid, 2013). Minding a floor-to-ceiling stone wall, a sensational larger than the average chimney, or an extensive waterfall have effectively impressed the clients and subsequently fulfillment.

Upscale Materials

In many instances, utilizing upscale trim materials such as woodwork, stone, and granite makes an eye-popping appeal on wall boards, front work area, and smorgasbord or beverage bar. Being inventive with both the materials utilized and where one uses them guarantees clients’ pleasure and solace

The utilization of space and furniture to outline a living room-like lobby which has some open space guarantees the customers’ protection. Nowadays, the lobby serves as a part business focus, part meeting spot, and part supper zone. This kind of a multi-purpose lobby impress guests who need to work with partners or associate with companions without heading off to a visitor room.

Innovation and Technology

Taking a gander at technology, we ought to note that today’s travelers are comfortable with and adroit about innovation. They have the most recent tech devices at home, and they normally take an assortment of them out and about, including a PC, mobile phone, and MP3 player. The visitors hence anticipate that their lodging will have the administrations which will make these electronics work effortlessly and rapidly (Yee, 2007). All things considered, nothing is more disappointing than traveling and not having the capacity to get to the web or charge your mobile phone. High-speed internet access is, in this manner fundamental all through the lodging. It serves to make the customers’ visit beneficial.

Beds and Bedding

Beds & Bedding, on the other hand, play an important role in the customers’ overall wellbeing and therefore satisfaction. A decent night’s rest is the reason explorers register with an inn. Hence beds and bedding deserve unique consideration (Mill, 2007). The hotel ought to guarantee that they utilize higher quality cushions that element progressively and more grounded loops. The cost might be marginally higher, yet the enhanced materials and assembling procedure will give them less “wear and tear” and a more drawn out item use cycle. While the bed is fundamentally to sleep on, visitors additionally utilize it for reading, relaxing, using a laptop computer or watching TV. Making a situation that is made “comfortable” with an additional thick cushion that top the mattress and with super delicate duvets that component down fill or faux-down. The utilization of higher bed bases that give a residential feel and that make getting in and out of bed less tiring, particularly for older or disabled visitors is suggested for customer satisfaction.

The new trend, particularly in upscale hotels and those with overwhelming business activity, has been adopted where the expansion of “bed lap work areas” for the accommodation of different people who need to work or read serenely in bed is guaranteed. Notwithstanding this, covers, which are more “home-like” in outline and textures, are getting to be heavier in addition to more stain resistant. This makes a beautiful toss toward the end of the bed on top of the spread subsequently making a one of a kind view for the client.


Furniture has both a functional and an aesthetic role, so when selecting case-products, the architect ought to remember how the pieces will look and what the pieces will do. Case products should be unique – in both capacity and finish, for instance:

  • higher, more extensive, and fancier mattresses to improve the rest area – 36 inches to 42 inches high is well-known than 24 inches to 28 inches
  • redesigned work areas and seats that change a hotel room into an agreeable “office far from the workplace” – for instance by utilizing L-formed work areas or work areas with implicit racks, which offer a visitor extra storage room

Exhibiting a unique design trend in furniture that directions instead of matches feel fancy to the client. A good case would be a room with wood end tables having a cocktail table in stone or metal as a method for making unique accent or impact (Curtis, 2011).


Lighting is a simple and generally modest approach to supplement architecture, save energy, and breathe life into any space. Hoteliers normally make progress toward three sorts of lighting:

The first is task lighting where splendid, coordinated light is introduced in different ranges where work happens, for example, computing, reading, or serving of food. The second one is ambient lighting which utilizes delicate, agreeable general light that is proficient for watching or having a discussion. The third one is accent lighting where beautiful, accentuation light that creates drama and mood are utilized.

Use of Elegant Designs to Attract Customers: Contemporary examples

Looking at a few contemporary credible examples in the industry, the case of hotels like the Apex Hotels in UK come in picture. The hotels that operate in Edinburgh, Dundee and in London retains sustainable hotel designs in the new refurbishments and developments made. They have been able to meet the customers’ demand and expectations. They have as well installed energy-efficient installations in the hotels. They have considered designs that maximize natural light and ventilation to the maximum. Anyone who visits the hotels will bear with me that their bathrooms are ecologically sound and efficient.

Another hotel that have been able to win customer trust and comfortability using architectural designs, both interior and exterior is the Nordic Light Hotel in Stockholm, Sweden. It is located at the city centre and demonstrates a thoughtful design, enough to attract customers at first sight. Putting all this into consideration, they have reduced their energy consumption through the use of pro-environmental fixtures and fittings. They have installed motion detector in certain room to ensure that light go off when there is no movement in the rooms.


In conclusion, selecting styles that are more residential and less institutional and when appropriate, utilizing lighting as a central thing, while as yet keeping up the required “foot candle” wattage works extraordinarily to achieve the customers’ overall wellbeing and therefore satisfaction. The design of a Hotel that is the built structure design, internal design & FF& E impact on the customers’ overall wellbeing and therefore satisfaction in various ways. These are viewpoints that can either help a hotel remain competitive, or push the clients away. In the event that the clients are awed, they will continue coming back.









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