
This is the kind of knowledge that is normally taken by the people who in positions that take the task of assessing of occupational or vocational skills. It is also known to help all those people who are new to assessment and are looking forward to becoming assessors. This is because this unit helps to gain an understanding of the assessment principles and the kind of practices involved before they go into the assessment practically. However, taking the assessment units depend on the kind of assessment they are undertaking.

In the assessment it has a direct benefit to the learners and it helps the learners in their development. Assessment has principles and concepts that are involved in the whole process. This includes decisions, feedbacks, activities and reviews of the progress that is present in the process. The unit also outlines the responsibilities of the assessor which makes the process successful. There are also requirements that are involved in the assessment and this helps to ensure that there is competence in the area of practice. Since the assessment involves different methods of the process there is strengths and the limitations of each method that is chosen. There also factors that affect assignment process. Some of the factors are availability of resources and methods of assessment used. The process involves a holistic approach which can be used for vocational or occupational purposes. As it is for any process it has risks but there are methods that try to minimize the risks involved. The information such as giving of feedback should be made available for the learner. Still in the process quality assurance is key and it is made possible through procedures that are available. In cases of disputes there are also procedures to follow to solve the issue. Finally, in the unit it is learnt of the contribution of technology in the assessment process.


it is essential to note that the assessment is also applicable to those people who are not undertaking the assessment and giving an example of the managers. In their case, they apply it in the operational assessment from the managerial approach. They are required only to undertake the part of the unit that helps them to access the situations in the companies that they manage. It is also worth reckoning that for every NVQ assessor to take the unit and it makes it a mandatory requirement for one to be a trainee assessor. This helps them to assess the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of the practice, and this is crucial for the work environment. It is, therefore, appropriate to understand the assessment methods involved in the same.

This article is going to look at the whole unit of the principles and practices that are involved in the assessment. The kinds of risks that are normally taken and the ways of minimizing the risks. The kinds of information that should be known by the learner, the factors that affect the process, different methods of the assessment process. These are all the topics that will be well expounded in the article.


Body chapter 1 to eight

1.1 functions of assessment in learning process

It is vital for the learner to understand the requirements and the principles of assessment. In this step, the assessment is divided into three aspects of assessment. The first is the initial assessment in which its importance is to identify the learner’s needs. By doing so, it makes easy to position oneself well for the assessment. It is also required to understand the learning requirements that the one being assessed has. The learner should also look at the learning styles and the previous knowledge and competence. This helps in the provision of support and guidance which in turn helps to have a valid beginning point in the assessment plans. However, there is the second type of assessment called the formative assessment. It involves the continuous informal assessment, and this is known to help in the giving the feedback and full information on the development, and finally, it is helpful for the provision of extra support that is required in the assessment. Thirdly, the final assessment is the summative assessment. In this method of assessment, it is a formal kind. It has the importance of getting to know the candidate’s achievement towards a certain unit or part of qualification. This kind of assessment is common at the end of courses undertaken, and the relation with the progress helps in making the final decision of the same.

1.2 concepts and principles and practices of assessment

In this chapter of the unit it contains definitions of the key concepts of the assessment. The following are the concepts and the kind of principles of the assessment that have been understood. Assessment is the process that helps in making decisions of the knowledge of the learner including their skills and competency according to the criteria that have been set. The role of the evidence is that it is useful in the making of decisions and this makes the process of assessment more reliable. The importance in the promotion of fairness of the practice and the principles of assessment to all the learners and this makes them to feel fairly treated and sees the assessment as transparent. Therefore, it is advisable to define the principles of the assessment of the students to them.

The following are some of the key words in this section that are common. Valid which is any judgement that is acceptable legally or officially and follows the laws that are set. Anything authentic is anything that is genuine and real and has not been copied. Things said to be current are the ones that are taking place at the moment. Anything said to be reliable refers to all the things whose performance is of high quality and can be trusted. Finally, all the things which are enough in the amounts are said to be sufficient

1.3 responsibilities and duties of the assessor

The third division of the first chapter of the assessment is explaining the duties and the responsibilities of the assessor. The following are some of the responsibilities they are required to fulfill:

  1. Notifying the learners and the other people involved in the assessment of the requirements.
  2. Involved in the keeping of records
  • In charge of giving feedbacks and required information to the authorities
  1. They make decisions concerning the assessment
  2. Get a better understanding of the assessment and the ways to be used
  3. Ensuring that procedures and policies set are followed
  • Coming up with plans giving the activities that are relevant t the learner
  • Conducting the assessments
  1. Taking part in the assurance of quality and set standards.
  2. Attending the assessment meetings



1.4 requirements and regulations that are relevant to assessment process

In this sector, it is required of the assessor to identify the regulations and needs that are relevant to the assessment in the practice. The requirements that are there and that relate to the subject involved. They are also required to have the relevant policies and guidelines that help in the regulation of qualifications framework. This makes them to require them to do the awarding of organization requirements that prove relevant for the subjects that are involved. There are regulators that are involved in this section. One of them is the awarding organization which gives the requirements that are relevant to meet the set qualifications.

Sector skills council gives the requirements that are required to be met by the staff and the assessors. Also there are requirements by the own organization and they relate to the assessment subjects. They may also have policies and the procedures that they require to be followed. Edexcel is the major awarding organization and the policies and the guides they give are the most commonly used. This is because they are normally required almost every day. The regulatory policies are consistent and meet the set requirements. They undergo a review every year to ensure that they remain focused on the main agenda. Some of the policies are assessment policy which gives the regulations that should be followed in the assessments. Another policy is how data protection in which it states that the college can share the data with the employers, audits and others though they are regulated to avoid the data from being accessed by anyone. This includes the passwords set to protect the data in the online accounts. There are policies which are set to ensure that the learners are safeguarded and safe in terms of health. This requires the assessors to ensure that the policies are all followed. Equality policy regulates that the assessment must be carried out equally and carefully without bias.

The assessment policy guides the elements such as the assessment design. The Edexcel requirements are comparability, reliability, manageability, validity and minimizing of the risks.

2.1 limitations and strengths of assessment methods

In this part of chapter two it explains the different types of assessment methods that help in the comparisons of the limitations and strengths of the assessment methods with respect to the needs of the learners individually.

This first method is the observation of the performance in the working area.it has strengths that makes it an option for assessment. The method is known for enabling skills and helps in the realization of errors and help in assessing different aspects.  This is from its ability to allow the learners to have an allowance and tolerance for the mistakes that they make. The method is also to do an assessment of the qualification aspects in the holistic way of approach. However, the method has limitations and they are as the following. Timing must be right for every learner and this is because the timing of the method must be made sure that it fits each learner. The other challenge in the method is that it requires visual recording otherwise there is no permanent record. Other challenges include that the assessor asks questions to be sure that the learner has understood. Finally, this method may not be very reliable because the assessor could make decisions that are not fully objective to the main agenda. The learner may pretend when they are knowing that they are under observation. This means that the results may be totally different from the actual behavior of the student.

The other method of assessment is examining of the products of work. It has strengths such as allowing the assessor to see the outcome. It also gives a sense of achievement to the learners. This is through the exhibitions that they can feel how far they have come. The limitations are that it requires authenticity to be checked if the products in the work has not been looked at.

The third method is through questioning the learner, this gives three ways of answering the questions. The methods are either through multiple choices, long essays or short answers. Through this method the potential of the learner can be improved. It also can test critical arguments and situations that require reasoning and through this method this can be tested. Finally, questions can be saved and then they can be used over and over again by the assessors.  Its limitations are that they may not fully demonstrate the knowledge and this is from the yes/no questions. It also requires a lot of care while writing and this takes time to come up with. The other limitations are that the written work may be sourced from copying from other writers. Finally, the criteria for grading require to be prepared earlier to allow validity of the marking.

Discussions with the learner is yet another method of carrying out the assessment. It has strengths such as allowing assessment of the aspects that are difficult to do so using the other methods such as observation. It also allows the assessment that has to be done in confidential areas. It is also a very good way of checking the knowledge. This is from the fact that the learners explain the way they do a certain thing or procedures that they follow. This really assures the quality to the assessor when the learners do well in the discussions. However, it has limitations too such as it requires a record for later use. Time is also spent for the preparations since the assessor has to be familiar with the concerns in the same.it also requires the assessor to be really good at using open questions and also a good listener. This makes it easy to have a good discussion with the learner.

There are other methods of the assessment, and they are: the use of witness, looking at the statements by the learner, prior learning recognition, assignment and projects and finally through oral questions and skills tests.

3.1 factors considered when planning assessment process

This section involves an understanding of the planning of the assessment. It is required of the assessor to summarize key factors that are considered when planning the assessment. Some of the factors that are required to be understood are the standards and the different qualifications to be assessed and assessment strategy. It is also crucial to consider the methods and resources to be used in the assessment. The communication with the learner and their location or basically their accessibility of assessment. Finally, it is very crucial to consider language barriers, personal concerns, religion and the needs of the learner while planning for the assessment.

The student should have sufficient time before the assessment and this gives them a chance to reflect and revise. Also questions before the assessment can be useful in knowing if he learner is ready for the assessment. This may assist in a way and give a chance for notice on their current understanding. Activities and contributions such as through observation and evidence through the discussions gives the assessor of the information or knowledge known by the learner already.

3.2 advantages of using a holistic approach in assessment

In this part, it evaluates the benefits of the use of holistic approach. They include assessing the criteria and the components such as looking at the aspects of performance and knowledge. This helps the assessment to take shorter time and to simplify the process in the long run.  It also helps the learners to get knowledge through the use of the different methods of assessment. Also it helps to give different varieties and account for the diversity in the process. The value of the holistic approach in evidence can be used in many units and also identifying how the learner understands the practice.

A holistic approach gives the learner multidimensional assessment and a more involved approach in their progress. The multi-dimensions such as observation, course works among others. The assessor can add the performance in the different dimensions and grade it to one. It breaks the units into smaller tasks which allows the assessor to give a grade that shows the performance of the learner. The overview of the performance can be from different methods like evidence and the natural evidence of the observation in lectures. This makes it fair and reprehensive of the final grade awarded. By linking knowledge, the learners are required to demonstrate before being able to use the knowledge practically.

3.3 planning of the holistic approach while doing the assessment

It is good to understand and to be able to explain how to plan a holistic approach. This involves agreeing to the best and most suitable methods in order to cover the aspects of the assessment. While selecting the methods a few factors has to be looked at. This also involves doing a plan on the situations in which the several aspects can be assessed in a certain occasion. It can also not leave out the review of anything assessable to enable the performance aspect. The evidence could come from discussions with the assessor about the planning of the assessments.

The best way to approach is get the outcomes of the learners through different ways such as through projects, essays and observation. This breaks the project in small assignments and this helps the students to achieve in particular areas that they are good at. The assignments should have a manner that they move from being a research to being a product and the learners use the link between the understanding and knowledge with the required skills.

3.4 risks that are involved in assessment

The summary of the kinds of risks involved in the assessment. There exist risks in the assessment such as the staff not being able to meet the set needs of the strategy in the assessment. The assessors may also cause stress to the learners and be unreliable to them. It is also risky for the assessor who is going to areas that are not fully developed. The other risks involved is the health, meeting targets, risk of plagiarism and the equality whereby the assessor may be accused of being unfair in the process. The risk of being caught up in plagiarism maybe methods or questions that they use that may have copyrights. The witnesses involved as the method of assessment may also be unreliable by giving false testimonies. Data protection issues is another major risk. For example, the data saved in the visual records has a risk if the storage is lost or damaged. The data saved in the cloud storages may also be in a risk of being hacked into. Through attacks like virus the data can also be lost. Availability of the learner is another risk involved in the process of attachment. This is a challenge in that getting the learners to have the time to undergo through the assessment while being busy in the learning or attachment is sometimes a challenge. Sometimes getting employers to cooperate with the assessment process is sometimes hard. Some are too busy to help the assessors in the getting of information about the learner and their contributions or progress in the work.

3.5 reducing risks through the planning approach method

To understand the principles and the practices of assessment it is also advisable that one be in apposition to explain the ways to minimize the risks in the planning. This can be achieved through ways such is ensuring that all the assessors meet the set requirements for qualification. By doing the risks of having inexperienced assessors spearheading the exercise. Mainly if you find that the assessor has less experience in the field puts the learners in the risk of being incompetent too.

They can also avoid to cause avoidable stress to the learners. Causing stress to the learners can be through many ways. For example, denying the learners information that they should have is one way of causing the situation. They can also cause stress through use of methods that are not appropriate in the situations. For example, the learner may have a challenge in openly engaging in a discussion and therefore if the method is used would cause pressure on them. Reducing the probability of causing stress to the students reduces the risk of misunderstandings and fails in the trainings. There also should be training to the assessors to help to identify plagiarism, to be able to overcome difficult situations and on the equality and health safety.  There also should be a breakdown of the requirements and the interpretation of the assessment. In case of the use of the witness method the assessor can make sure that they validate the witness that is to give a testimony. This ensures the probability of unreliability is not available in this case.

The risks can also be minimized by going to the employer and then having a discussion together with the learner. This helps to cut out the challenge of having non-cooperating employers. This also creates time for the learners since this makes the employer to see the importance of the process. However, while doing so the assessor should understand the requirements in the work place or by the learner. This helps to have discussions that are relevant according to the requirements of the work place. The learners should be motivated in the process of assessment. This is from the fact that some may have given up due to the new things that are just learning. This helps to keep them going and this reduces the risk of them quitting on the training. The correct methods should also be used while doing the assessment. This is gotten from doing a good research on the best ways of the same. For example, if observation is used whereby the most appropriate is through discussions the assessor is at the risk of getting results different from the expected. Correct practices should be used in the process. Practices such as favourism should be avoided since they reduce the validity of the results. Avoiding such results reduces the risk of the results being unreliable.

4.1 benefits of involving the learner in the assessment process

Understanding assessment, it requires ability to explain the importance of the involvement of the learner in the process of assessment. The importance of doing so is that they are able to identify the needs of the learner. This may be based on the capabilities of the learner. For example, an assessor may notice the inabilities of the learner and then be able to proceed accordingly. In another case the learner may be physically challenged and this makes the assessor aware of the needs by such a situation. The involvement may be of help to identify the most appropriate plan of assessment including the methods and the other actions. From engaging the learners, the assessor definitely gets basic information to determine the way to get more and test the knowledge of the learner. For example, they may find that the students are more updated on the use of technology and overuse of the same from where they source the information. In this case the assessor would be able to avoid situation of cheating by getting a more involving method like questioning.

It is also crucial since it ensures that the learner is involved in the communication that gives them a positive exposure and this builds their relationship and engagement with the invigilators and the assessors. That makes it important to have a set time for the assessment. This allows to engage more with the learner since they don’t have to be under pressure of looking for time to have the assessment. By doing so, one meets with the witnesses and his ensures that witnesses give the honest and reliable testimony. Finally, the importance is also to the learns in that it makes them to have an understanding of the things that will be assessed and when the assessment will be.

4.2 Summarizing the kinds of information that should be made available to learners

summarizing the kinds of information to be made available to the people who are involved in the assessment is significant. The criteria and the standards of assessment including the records, subject organization information and the assessment plan. The type of evidence and the kind and timing of the feedback are among the information the learner should be provided. The tracking and the decisions that are made in the assessment. Some of the types of the methods to be used in the assessment are through questioning, discussions, oral or written ways among many others. The employer should contribute some time and engage with engagements with the assessor and the learner. The learner is expected to be compliant with the set be it trainings, discussions or other engagements with either the employer or with the assessor. The timing for the assessments should be well timed and this helps to avoid confusions brought when the timing is not right. This may also cause the employer to not turn up when the timing is not taking into consideration of the busy schedules of the employer.

4.3 Explaining how peer and self-assessment could effectively promote learner involvement and personal responsibility

It is worthwhile to explain how the peer and self-interview can be used to ensure that the learner is effectively involved in the assessment. This helps the learners to have a sense of personal responsibility in the whole practice. This leads to division of assessment into two types. They are peer assessment and self-assessment. Peer assessment reduces the amount of the formal assessment and it allows the sharing of ideas and this is possible through the more attention given to the activities involved. It also allows the learners to be more aware of the requirements by improving their involvement and their readiness to the process. In self-assessment it helps to make the learners to know their own progress and encourage them to view the far they have gone and give them a sense of ownership. It also changes the way the mistakes are seen as opportunities. Just as the other type of involvement it helps to involve the learner more.

The assessor should look more into SWOT analysis which is part of assessment by doing an analysis. In this analysis they are able to look at the strengths of the learner and they may be such as good in discussions, good listener. The assessor may look at some of the weakness of the learner such as lack of a good plan, poor management of time. Looking at the opportunities such as new technology and finally threats overuse of the technology making some learners lazy of doing research.

4.4 Explaining how assessment arrangements can be incorporated to meet the needs the learners

In this part it is required to understand the adaptations of the assessment arrangements so that they are able to meet cultural or language requirements. It is also adapted to cater for the disabilities, learning needs and finally to save time. Depending on the different abilities of the learners the assessors should get ways that best fits them. Arrangements such as the timing of the assessment is also crucial in that it should not interfere with the activities of the work. This would make the learner to not fully concentrate. Again if the setting is in the evening when they are leaving from the work again the assessment may not be as expected. Different assessment methods should be used by the assessor to avoid to see which meets the work patterns perfectly.

5.1 judging whether evidence given is authentic, current and sufficient

It is a good practice to be able to determine whether evidence is sufficient, current or authentic. Sufficient evidence ensures it follows a certain organizational guideline and meets all the requirements. Authentic means that there’s no plagiarism and in the current ensures that learner knows the time of evidence. This is a something that should be a challenge for the assessors to ensure that the work submitted is current, sufficient an authentic. Authenticity of a document is uniqueness of a document and being out of the writer’s composition without copying from any other source. To check is a document is authentic, a plagiarism checker software is used. This should be checked to ensure that the work is from the learners own prior before assessing them.

To determine whether the work is current one uses the work submitted and then check the competence and the relevance to the subject shows that the work is fitting. Checking if it is sufficient by comparing it with the previous merits and also from engaging with other people who have tested learners in the same area. One can also speak to the learners over the same and get what they think of the work and then considering it before making decision in the assessment.

5.2 ensuring that assessment decisions are valid, reliable, fair and made against specified criteria

It is crucial for the assessor to ensure that the specified criteria have a direct relationship with the awarding and specification requirements. Understanding that assessments are valid, follows some criteria, reliable and fair. These decisions made should be explained if they are based on the requirements. They should also be reliable which requires a standard to be set and for fairness the methods of assessment should be set at a certain level and should take note of the particular needs without being biased or favoring.

To ensure that the assessment is valid the decisions are usually based on the standards that are set

and the qualifications are required when undergoing the process of assessment. To ensure that the

reference to the specifications one can look more into the information by the department and

organizing regular meetings with them. Then using similar methods to those used to

determine whether the assessor has done the process accurately. Determining whether the work is

valid the person doing the assessment must make sure that even if another person does the

assessment the results will still be similar. This work already assessed by one trainer should contain

instructions on how to get there in an achievable and clear way.




6.1 Evaluating the importance of quality assurance

It is as equally worth it to do an evaluation of quality assurance and the benefits is that it ensures that there’s a reliable decision that are made. It is also helpful in that it ensures consistency and standardization by the assessors. The assessors are also fair and credible to all learners. This also helps to be more accountable in the places and organizations that they work for.

The quality in the education is normally worked for to ensure it stays at the expected level. The quality assurance assessment kind of process which is fair to the learner. There are set standards which helps the government to meet the expectations of their requirements. Standardization is done to ensure that of the quality assurance. There are different assessors who train in the course and this is useful in the internal verification by looking at the others work to help in the marking. Finally, the quality assurance can be used as a reflective tool for the assessor for their development and this helps in the quality improvement and maintaining the standards of assessment.

6.2 Summarizing quality assurance and standardization procedures in own specialization area.

To understand assessment, it is also helpful to summarize assurance on the quality and the procedures of standardization and the methods of the standardization process are such as through meeting all the staff, sharing and comparing any good practice helps to get consistency in the interpretations in the assessment. Through information collection through observations and giving a feedback the quality provided can be maintained. Moreover, methods such as sampling work, interviewing learners and doing an update on the policies and this helps to maintain the high quality.


6.3 summary of procedures to follow when disputes arise concerning assessment

In cases of disputes involved in the assessment they are procedures that are required to be followed. Among the first step is to know the limits in the process. The organization of complaints should also be followed and adhering to the targets made. It is also very helpful when one reports the concerns they have to the right and concerned people. This helps to avoid disputes in the trial to solve the problems

7.1 Explaining the essence of following procedures of information management that relate to assessment

The importance of the procedures for the help in the information management concerning the assessment. The requirements for the information management includes need of secure storage of information and the records in accordance with the requirements of the management. There’s is also a requirement that the information that is stored is kept confidential. The management also requires that there’s quality assurance by having a follow up on the procedures and the policies that are set. It is also required that the legal requirements are met.

In the data protection act it states that the policies of management of the evidence such as observation records, portfolios, physical evidence and witness statements are in accordance with it. the assessors use the guidelines in the act to protect the personal data and is only used for the lawful purposes. The assessors must keep adequate and relevant information and this helps to keep accurate information. The information is highly confident and they can share the information with the learners, colleagues and employers. The data is also secured but they give the learners an opportunity to be allowed to see it upon request. The that is protected when online and has a password. The institution does a follow up on the regulations set on sharing the information which is personal and this is a follow up on the Ofqual’s lead and this is to protect the interest of the learners.

The college also follows the procedures and the set standards in qualifications and credit framework, equality act and health and safety acts. This helps the skills council in the data protection.

7.2 Explaining how feedback and questioning contribute to the whole assessment procedure

In the assessment it is crucial to understand the feedback and the questioning that lead to the assessment process. There are three types of feedback that is verbal and written, destructive and constructive, evaluative and descriptive. It is good to give unambiguous, factual, honest, and constructive feedback. The feedback should also show the limitations and the strengths that are gotten by the learner. The feedback should also state the things that can be changed developmental improvements that can be carried out. The learner can be involved through questions such as how they feel before the feedback is given. The learners can also be motivated and different questioning techniques used to clarify and identify the areas for the development. Giving of the feedback may help in the improvement of the process of assessment. This is because the performance data is kept and the data can be studied to show the similar challenges. Questioning in the process may also help in the improvement of the quality and the process as whole. Looking at these closer information helps in the setting of aims and the targets can be set and this is part of the planning.


8.1 Explaining the legal issues, policies and procedures relevant to assessment

One should also be able to explain the legal policies, procedures and issues and examples of such are equality act, health and safety at work act. The policies may also include welfare and confidentiality. Examples of the same are the children act and the other type of organizational procedures such as confidentially and bullying. The policies help to protect the groups from being vulnerable and this helps to avoid situations such as misconducts. The assessors should always ensure that the policies in the line is present and they can also check visual standards or Ofsted site for ensuring the methods have met the standards and this helps to comply with the legal issues concerning assessment.

Reviews of the progress, plans, feedbacks and the sheets of tracking overall progress are maintained well and must satisfy the requirements of the regulatory boards. Safety and health is of great concern since without them the learners are in a big problem. To ensure that the assessors have control over this they must be vigilant to enforcing the procedures of safeguarding. An example is the safeguarding vulnerable groups act which tells all the assessors to be protective of all those below 18 years. The procedures to ensure that the learners are safe can be through carrying assessment of their needs, planning to meet the needs and carrying out interventions, reviewing services they offer and ensuring teamwork. Every Learner Matters is a body that look and makes sure of the well-being of the learners. Another example is the protection while sharing data online to protect them against cyber bullying.

8.2 explanation of the technological contribution in the assessment process

In understanding the assessment, it is also important to understand the contribution of the technology in the assessment. It is through visual and audio recordings, e-assessment, virtual learning and online testing. This has the process to be easier and safer. For example, when the information is saved either in cloud or digitally, the data can be accessed from any location and this makes the assessment date to be safe from loss and easily accessible.

Nowadays there is an increased use of technology in the assessment process. In the begging part of the assessment the students the learners take part in filling questionnaires through online testing and this helps to know their literacy in the ICT. For example, using Google docs which is an online based version of Microsoft tools gives a feature where the worked saved there can be accessed from any location making it a very safe way. When the assessor is online he/she can mark and allow the students to receive a real time feedback on the marking and comments made.

It is also through technology that assessors and the learners are able to record evidence of the understanding and decision made on the assessment and this can be done in the forms of visual statements and also can be through audio records. Using devices such as webcams, mobile phones and handycams the learners can be captured verbally communicating to show their gained skills. The recordings can be shared through emails or social media and this is a major contribution of the technology.

8.3 Evaluation of the requirements for equality and diversity in relation to assessment

One should also look at the requirements for equality and diversity and this requires a reference to the person’s identity which are protected against discrimination. It may include gender, race, disability, religion among others. They should also follow procedure to fulfill the requirements of the language. The enrollment, and achievement should be monitored through gender, age, color among many others. This is avoided and this gives the people with these personal characteristics from being looked down upon.

In assessment the relation of the process with equality and diversity is important the whole journey of the learner. They are given support and smart targets to get to their aims. This means that it has to meet the employment needs and interests. The tasks which target more and less able learners are also made sure that they comply to the regulations in the Equality and Diversity act. He learners should be engaged more often of the anti-discrimination issues and this can be done in discussions held time to time. Equality act brings into place the guidelines that the learners are not supposed to be grouped or judged from gender, race and religion among many others but they should be judged from character and so should be the assessment.

Helping the learners with bilingualism should also be done. This can be done by the assessors using simple and direct statements and they can write hem clearly. Assessors are required to be flexible in the approach of plans of the quality assurance and assessment and this brings success. This also improves achievement for the learners’ affectional materials should also be provided and this helps the assessor to have readymade resource bank and get alternative approaches and also assists in recognizing the extra support and the needs they bring.


8.4 Explaining the value of reflective practice

One should also be able to explain the value of the continuing professional development and the assessors can reflect their practice and work towards improving their role. This can be done through ensuring that the practice meets organizational and legal requirements. They should also be maintaining a dairy and an assessment expertise. They should also maintain the records of the relevant events they attend. They should also join some professional associations and finally by obtaining a feedback from other people. The practice is an essential part for the assessor to show the things that can help in the understanding and improving the skills. Through sharing with peers one is able to reflect on the information and the information can be used later in the training. This helps in keeping the assessors effective and competitive enough. It is from reflections in the website that the assessor can be able to review and set targets for themselves. It is also from internal and external opportunities that the assessor is able to improve their methodology they use in the attachment. They also can depend from feedbacks from their peers and polls from their learners to pick the best approach. The assessors should also update their knowledge and this is essential and this can be through reading sites online or through social media and having conversations with other peers to enhance their expertise. The assessor can also engage in other activities ti improve their expertise such as working in projects outside work and this improves the skills of teaching the students.



In conclusion, the unit on assessment has been fully explored in the article. Assessment has been seen as a requirement that is compulsory for people involved in the assessment process. The assessors are required to decide the method of assessment they are willing to use on the learners, and they are expected to give a feedback on the findings. They are also supposed to give full information to the students on the method they are going to use and information concerning the giving of feedback