

Ovarian cancer begins in the ovary. Abnormal cells have the ability to evade or spread it to other parts of the body (Willard and Ginsburg, 2009). This article is going to focus on ovarian cancer, impacts and the ways to reduce the disease related deaths. When this process begins, symptoms may be vague and may become noticeable in later stages. The symptoms include pelvic pain and swelling the abdomen. This may spread to other parts of the bladder or lymph nodes, lungs, and other parts and to the women who have ovulated more, have higher mostly at menopause stage.

Simple blood test could cut the ovarian cancer deaths by a fifth. If offers of often tests were given to women over the age of fifty, hundreds of lives would be saved. Early detection of the disease would be a key in saving more than for thousand women annually. Experts say that each year more than seven thousand women are diagnosed with cancer. Experts have been calling for routine testing to catch ovarian cancer early.

Previously from diagnosis centers scientists have concluded that actually 20 percent of the cancer death related would be reduced. However, three-quarters of the women are diagnosed late having cancer already spread to the bigger part of the body. Therefore, this makes it hard to treat since it has already reached a level hard to reverse. The disease normally kills more than five thousand women each year. This would be reduced by developing a proper and often national screening program. It is the eighth most common disease in the nation and it is the fifth leading cause of death.

Ovarian cancer causes more deaths than any other cancer in women. Cancer isn’t all in your genes; up to 90 per cent could be wiped out by avoiding triggers caused by unhealthy lifestyles. Suggestions by scientists from a study say that tests for a particular protein could prevent approximately a few hundreds of the deaths met.


Health experts hailed the work as a landmark step to conquering cancer but said that screening process should be the step number one. ‘’Dr. Simon Newman, a director of research at target ovarian cancer said the results of this landmark study, a milestone in ovarian cancer research, put us in a stronger position in the collective enabled improvement of earlier diagnosis  and that more women can survive (Farghaly,2014)

There is a need for a screening program to stop women from ovarian cancer-related deaths. These results shed a light of hope to many towards campaigns of fighting ovarian cancer and bringing the nation a step higher in national early diagnosis. However, it is necessary to be considerate and realistic because this could take very many years to be taken in the screening could be carried out in two ways. Of which one is being given ultrasound which is carried out yearly.

The second way of diagnosing this cancer is by a blood test for CA125 of which has resulted in reduced mortality overall. It is possible that mortality reduction after follow-up for an additional few years is very much greater or the same way lesser than the initial estimates. Careful screening is also very crucial and important to detect ovarian cancer. You find that if this is not taken carefully the doctors may have cases of false diagnosis of the disease after the surgery is completed (Tewari and Monk, 2015)

It also a warning that shows the much work that is required to be done to determine the ultimate fall deaths and whether widespread screening can be cost effective, even if there is or not the justification for population screening, this will depend upon a range of factors which includes further follow up to determine the full extent of the mortality reduction and health economic analysis.

Meanwhile, better efforts can be established to develop ovarian cancer screening, produce tests that will have greater sensitivity and more enough time to make the ways to risk to stratify the population better and efficient. Although this is acceptable in terms of mortality benefit and the comparison with other types of cancer diagnosis and screening programs, there are important clinical and resource implications of this screening method.

This study, however, is a landmark step in getting effective screening for ovarian cancer which is normally referred to as the silent killer. It is true that we have always been a notch behind the disease but a screening method would allow us to catch it at a stage that would be effective in terms of its treatment. We are not there yet and it’s not necessary for us to continue waiting for further study and definitive results. Recent researches have shown that its research in this area is gaining pace.

What longer follows up is needed to determine how effective the test is. Women who are concerned about the ovarian cancer risk should talk to their doctors who can explain further their risk of cancer and the available tests. Even the private partners are trying to support to see if the fight against cancer and the reduction of cancer-related deaths. Some of these partners are trying to see it through that screening process is effective and well sponsored.

National screening is, unfortunately, some way off but still yet it is, more vital that the task of raising the national awareness of the different symptoms to the public so that this will improve the diagnosis earlier since the potentially affected come out in large numbers.  The already infected have also welcomed the findings. Some of them have even come out publicly to insist to the public the importance of the early screening. This acts as an encouragement and source of hope to those who are scared of undergoing the screening.

Even the physiotherapists from different areas have come out in large numbers to encourage the women and the public and also educate them on various lifestyles to quit and those to take in as a way of helping those who are already affected and to those who are avoiding to get infected.

In conclusion, the paper has provided insights on ovarian cancer. The impacts of the disease have also been discussed. The aim of shedding some light on the diagnosis and the effects of the cancer disease was achieved.


In Farghaly, S. A. (2014). Advances in diagnosis and management of ovarian cancer.

Tewari, K. S., & Monk, B. J. (2015). The 21st century handbook of clinical ovarian cancer.

Willard, H. F., & Ginsburg, G. S. (2009). Genomic and personalized medicine: Volume 1. Amsterdam: Elsevier.