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Hospital leadership and management are among the topics that should be well look at. This is because in a hospital it’s a matter of life and death for the patients. This article is going to explore and focus on the organization and different structures in the hospitals and its impacts to the society or better still the country. In the same area the structure and organization of the hospital matters a lot in terms of provision of services to the public. There are many similarities and differences between different types of hospitals. The types are profit, non-profit and public health facilities (Francis, 2009)

Joint commission creates normalization in different types of hospitals. However there are differences created by the sector the facility belongs in these differences includes budget, business planning records and data. This is due to different managements in the both hospitals.

Primarily patients receive their health care through private providers. The role of the government comes in by giving health care facilities and services to specific employees such as the army and other distinguished employees. They provide them with Medicare programs.

Majorities of the hospitals are managed and given upkeep by revenues generated from health care charges private plans capitation charges, public programs, overstay charges and direct pay by the patients.

Services, for instance, in-patient health care are in majority of the hospital depending on the main reason behind it. The structures of the different health care facilities differ in their administration and their procedures of operation based on their organizational targets and goals, tax source.

Government hospitals

Operational funding is primarily provided by an annual prospect budget. The budget is based on the enrollment of the hospital and the services that are offered by the same or also may depend with the population of the area under consideration.

The funding may also depend on the historical utilization rates and the number of patients served. However the facilities are required to raise a certain amount apart from the prospective budget. These may be from the charges they put on the services.

The nature of these organizations requires managers to provide leadership as well as supervision and coordination of employees. This caliber of hospital flocks with a lot of people due to the lower cost of the services.

Planning is an important part of the hospital organization. The manager is required to set a direction and determine what needs to be accomplished. That’s means setting priorities and determining performance. Some of the services are not available in the government hospitals such as surgery which is found in just a few national hospitals. There is also lack of enough resources in the government facilities due to flocking of the search by the poor or people in the lower part of living scale of life (Snook, 2014)

In order to meet the required high demands by the eligible high population the hospital is required to look for cheaper and easily available resources. Therefore the services offered are sometimes out of date and thus leaving people in no other choice than to look for other choices or places for their services.


Private hospitals

These hospitals are privately owned and they are few to be counted in. they are among the best in service provision. They are usually managed and governed by the committee that is put there by the shareholders or the owner of the hospital. The hospitals usually have no other choice but to provide the best services for them to do well in the sector which is greatly controlled by the public or the government facilities.

Business planning is also different in the two types of hospitals. Due to direct ownership the business decisions are easily made and in a faster way. The committee has to be precise and accurate as they carry out their predictions and passing the budgets because mostly they keep in touch.

The resources in the facilities are normally classical and good for that matter. They are not crowded as in the case for the public ones. The cost of the services is very high due to complete sponsorship. The workers in the hospitals are quite limited since they are not overcrowded.


This paper has provided insights to the health facilities from two different organizations. This was accomplished by first shedding light on both facilities and then showing their differences. Though both the organizations have the same basic mission they differ in their organizational structure. From the above information the facts are necessary in analysis of the qualities and requirements in the society.




Francis, C. M., & De, S. M. C. (2009). Hospital administration. New Delhi, India: Jaypee             Brothers  Medical Publishers

Snook, I. D. (2014). Hospitals: What they are and how they work. Boston: Jones and Bartlett       Publishers