Digital age Architectural Education

Digital age Architectural Education

Learning by doing, design by research, multidisciplinary, multiescalarity, digital prototyping and fabrication in architecture education, robotics in architecture, machine learning in architectural practice.

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Digital age Architectural Education

Learning by doing enables students to visualize their project which is imaginary in nature for the first time. In this stage, students use materials like Styrofoam, paper, clay and cardboard and cutting tools. After analyzing the form of the project students generate meshes of spatial models for the first time. In this stage, students are supposed to be cautious so that they can optimize the use of the quantity of material to be expended and the structure. This stage allows hand on application of knowledge of geometry by students and also develops the student’s ability to handle spatial transformation. Materials that are planned the final models are used to make temporary ones so that students are able to respond immediately by eradicating any perceivable mistakes and become aware of and consider the problems arising in the process of assembling the model.

Design by research uses Google Sketch Up. The software is easy to use while modelling objects in 3D and also minimizes and simplifies a number of functions provided by CAD software. The modeling intuitiveness experienced in the three-dimensional space as offered by the Sketch Up amazes with its simplicity and fully meets the wants of the set tasks. This kind of approach, when students are only starting to learn CAD, does not curb their creativity, as they do not need to focus on the software and its functions but rather on their own concepts. Furthermore, regarding the process of designing, students are knowledgeable about the project in its entirety from the very inception, and thus develop a sense that all segments of the project are developing simultaneously its concept, use, prefabrication, and also its design and presentation.

Multidisciplinary allows an educational structure which surpasses punitive limits. This could lead to the required scholarly interactions to solve upcoming aims and foster invention in the plan of the constricting environment. It allows educating beyond disciplines where the students work concurrently to, or serially from, scholarly explicit grounds to deal with day to day challenges. In multidisciplinary, there exists no anticipation that procedures divided up, or that the involved subjects will manipulate one another.

According to

Computer Assisted Fabrication arguably falls under the domain of model making, i.e. the physical scale models architects produce during the course of a design project. Although it escapes the scope of the present paper, it is interesting to note the differences between “model” and prototype” and the risks involved with their misuse in current architectural discourse.

In any case, as a model making method, Computer Assisted Fabrication can be categorized into three distinct groups. Conceptual models used to articulate a design idea, exploratory models, utilized in the testing and judge design concepts and presentation models, and finally, presentation models which are part of the final demonstration of the design product to others [Kvan et al 2001]. The different roles these models are called upon to fulfill result in different characteristics in each group. As a result, conceptual models may be more abstract and their making process more ad hoc. Similarly, exploratory models may incorporate material considerations and precise dimension in order to evaluate a specific aspect of the design, such as morphological, structural or functional considerations.

Machine and human balance have been made better through enhanced computing capabilities allowing each to work best on what it is good in. Computers are not superb with unrestricted innovative results; those are kept or human to do, However, through mechanization, it is possible to reinvest time in design and to conserve time doing recurring jobs. It is possible to control the capabilities that man is excellent at for instance creativity, human intelligence and also control the machine knowledge, the exclusive abilities for computers to work out difficulties really fast. , Fundamentally “an amalgam approach which is actually enhanced than what we are able to perform using either distinctly.



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