Principles of designing a training program for chefs

Principles of designing a training program for chefs

Principles of designing a training program for chefs

These are the principles that are normally followed I order to come up with a training program for the chefs. This is because becoming a chef does not happen overnight, it involves several training on the ways some things are done.

The first law is the law of individual differences. This bases the program by recognizing that people have different capabilities and weaknesses. This makes it easy to understand that people should respond differently to the set systems of training. The differences considered when designing the training program to help understand the different ways of understanding the content being taught. The other principle is the overcompensation principle. This is the reaction by the body which is usually produced and helps in the future by getting ready so that it can handle the stress that comes up in the future. The importance of understanding the principles of the learning is to help to get the chefs to do what they are expected to do. From this, the trainer needs to get the expertise of the subject and a good understanding of these principles of learning. This allows the trainers to create his environment that is conducive to the learning. The principles also contain ways of getting to know the weaknesses and then getting ways to overcome them. In the figuring out it shows if the problem is in the technical or the theoretical sector.

The program should also make sure that it appeals the emotional system and this helps to make the participants feel involved. This helps to share the reality and the vision of the organization. For example, the trainees can be asked of their visions of the progress of the company. This gives them the interest of learning. The program should also involve and have a relation with the information that the trainees already know. The other principle should make the chefs have set goals on their targets and interests. This enables the trainer to know their abilities. The other principle that should be applied should be making the training as simple as possible. This helps in fast grasp by the trainees. The program should take into consideration the comforts of the trainees. For example, the training should not be placed at the time that they are going home, or they are exhausted.

The training may include learning different types of cooking or the area of the cooking. Therefore, the regional recipes are learned. The process also includes chef training on the food preparation, cooking methods, building flavors among many other pieces of training.

In the case for the Jill case, the program should be designed to train the chefs of the importance of the safe preparation of food that is good for eating including the safe production. They should involve training on the maintenance of hygienic premises.



Objective Training method Resources Personnel

2-4 pm




Covering Food-Bourne illness causes and prevention

The other objective is to look at the actions that puts the food at the risk of becoming infected with bacteria

-looking at the foods that are mostly infected by bacteria.

Storage and practices to prevent from the bacteria infestation.

Through presentation



Food that has bacteria


Different types of foods

Head chef

Store man




-Personal hygiene and cleaning. This includes the different ways of maintaining hygiene at personal and other levels.

-Also to give different ways of disposing rubbish

-explaining the best wearing and dressing code while in the kitchen and this includes practices such as not wearing jewellery while in duty.









Development chef


Line chef