Snow Mountain Hotel Case Study

Snow Mountain Hotel Case Study

Snow Mountain Hotel Case Study






An explanation of the business partner model and the advantages and disadvantages of using this model……………………………………………………………………………3


A critical appraisal of the use of shared service centers and the removal of onsite HR professionals…………………………………………………….…………………………5


A critical examination of the practicality of devolving HR responsibilities to line managers……………………………………………….………………………………….8




References ………………………………………………………………………………….11









This assessment seeks to test the basic skills in Human Resource Management. It includes the skills taught in the Introduction to Human Resource Management Module. According to Francis and Keegan (2006), The current models of the HRM have been arguably changing as far as the HR roles in organizations are concerned. This paper will therefore provide answers to questions based on partnership business model and its limitations; both advantages and disadvantages then the description of business partner model and its limitations and lastly a critical examination of the practicality of devolving HR responsibilities to line managers. The questions will be in line with a case study on SNOW Mountain Hotel. It is through this that skills taught earlier on during the semester will be understood. This includes but not limited to the benefits and drawbacks of the different models used in HRM.


An explanation of the business partner model and the advantages and disadvantages of using this model

A business partner model is an organization where the human resource professionals do work in close collaboration with the leaders of the business and the line managers to achieve shared objectives of the organization (Francis & Keegan, 2006).

The model involves making a development of long-term, successful relationship that exists between the suppliers and the customers. This is done with an aim of getting a maintainable competitive advantage and getting the best practice. The resource management department is involved in planning that targets to help the business to attain its goals in a strategic way (Warr et al, 1976). Therefore, the department turns its concentration from employee relations, salary payments, and administrative parts they focus on being of positive value to the business by training, recruitments, advancements and posting of the employees.

The reason for its design is usually to bring by a positive impact on the business over time. This is the goal for SNOW Mountain Hotel and having a time limit of two years. For the betterment of the hotel business, it leaves the HR department to being more involved in the selection of the employees. This brings by an assurance that the employees that are picked are competent in delivering their duties (Kirkpatrick, 1994). The other feature of the model is that it involves training and the development of the capabilities of the employees. This is made possible through the close examination of the abilities of the employees, and this gives them a chance to produce very active employees thus making the company give the best outcome.

The advantages of using the model are that it helps in the fact that it relieves of the management the pressure on focusing on looking at the skills of the employee, their productivity or their efficiency in the delivering of their duties (Berrett-Koehler & Stewart, 1999). The other benefit of the model is to help the HR department to know the strengths and help to bring effectiveness, increased productivity and competence in the business since this is their main aim.  Through training, the skills of the workers are therefore enhanced and this may be the close observance by the Department, and the model gives them enough time to do this (Gilmore, 2012).

SNOW Mountain Resort is facing competition and getting a way to cope up with unstable kind of business they require the model to curb and survive healthily in the competition. This can be based on the innovative and committed workers; this has made the model a necessity in the success of the business. It also helps to deliver the expectations of the leaders of the business.

However, the model has some challenges that are some of the disadvantages it is involved in (Harrison, 2009). The HR department does an overwork of dealing with the relations of the workers. This reduces the time set and the people to focus on the partnerships with the business to give additional functions. It brings in challenges between the management and the department because the HR are involved in almost all the activities in the business. Face to face interaction in the business is affected. This is due to the gap brought in between the management and the employees (Gibb, 2002). The talents of the different employees may be surpassed, and this might end up bringing up competitors who just are good at following instructions and not innovative enough (Easterby-Smith, 1986).

(Word count – 572 words)

A critical appraisal of the use of shared service centers and the removal of onsite HR professionals

A shared service center is a kind of organization that is fully responsible for taking care of tasks such as human resources, payroll, compliance, compliance (Beevers & Rea 2010). They spotlight corporate leadership roles and also separate the operational tasks from the headquarters. It is known to give accounts of business units of the different departments such as HR, IT services (Torrington, 2014).

They are normally used for a couple of decisions such as helping in the reduction of the decentralization costs and this helps improve the quality offered and gives support to the quality assurance (Shufen, 2013). The other reason is improving the flexibility of services of support. The reduced costs go to an average of around 50% of the original one. However, sometimes it can go to higher reductions of 70% of the original (Reid, Barrington & Brown, 2004).

The service centers should not be confused with the departments of corporate staff, and this is because they have outputs that can be measured. The measure may either be based on quality or the quantity and regarding unit of the services provided (Reid & Barrington, 1994). However, there are tasks that are not involved in the organization of the shared services centers (Langen, 2012). They are such as management policy, corporate legal, corporate control and these are the responsibilities of the board of the executives (Armstrong, 2007).

Some of the major drivers of the deployment of the shared service centers are cost reduction (Boxall et al, 2008). This is the main aim for the business. The other main objective of its deployment is the target of increasing the profits by improving the capabilities in the different business divisions (Boydell & Leary, 1996)).  These are the internal drivers that SNOW Mountain Hotel has by taking in the strategy. The external drivers of introducing the shared service centers are to increase the number of customers. This cuts down the fluctuation whether it is during on or off peak period.

Having shared services center has a major role of balancing the budget concerning the firm, and this avoids games between the business managers and the shared service centers. This is done so through the preparation of a service level agreement (Marchington and Wilkinson, 2012). This is a benefit for SNOW Mountain Hotel because it will have the mandate of preparing the budget by two bodies and that makes it within the correct range. Moreover, it has other advantages such as boosting the customer levels. This is another benefit for SNOW Mountain Hotel since it has a challenge of fluctuating numbers of the customers using their facilities. Greater focus and accountability is another benefit that is seen from the center of shared services. This is because more departments are involved in the accounts makes it hard to lose some resources. It also improves communication and the quality offered, and this will help increase the profits for the hotel business (Hendry, 2012).

The Hotel, however, can face a drawback such as granting an equal status between the shared service center and the business unit. The challenge of doing this is that it brings a confusion by the conflicts it brings between the responsible units for opportunities of marketing the services of the products and services of the hotel (Hill, 2000). SNOW Mountain Hotel may also undergo a risk of making the shared service center to report to the corporate departments which may make them being used to making functional decisions. The center is also known to weaken the quality of the services offered (Haroon & Zain, 1999). This is the perception of the managers of the center as an absolute device of control. There is a higher initial cost, and this may take a huge amount for the center to be set (Laurent, 1986). Finally, the hotel which is profitable may subsidize the other units which result from distorted financial results, and this may lead to wrong impressions and wrong investments.

(Word count – 657 words)


A critical examination of the practicality of devolving HR responsibilities to line managers

Devolvement is an important process since it helps in the strategic development of the HR department management (Schuler & MacMillan, 1984). Line managers are the managers whom the individual workers report to. They may be having supervising responsibilities or not depending on the hierarchy (Delaney & Huselid, 1996).

From previous studies, it has proved that the line managers play a key role in the enabling of the HR policies. In such situations, employees have a good relationship with the line managers and are likely to pledge their loyalty to the business (Becker & Gerhart, 1996). It is common that small businesses don’t have a staff in the HR department. The duties of managing and recruiting employees are done by the managers (Nankervis et al, 2011; Golden & Ramanujan, 1985).

The main aim of devolving the duties of the HR to the line managers is to assist the organizations to have a relationship that is closer to the employees and the line managers. It is also known to have a faster process of making the decisions, and this ensures that there is speed in delivering. The strategy also helps to establish an effective way of getting resolutions to the problems and the challenges experienced in the place of work (Schwarz, 2014; Wright & McMahan, 1992).

The benefits of carrying out the process of devolvement help to the HR staff to be able to work closer alignment of the organization system. However, this allows the systems of SNOW Mountain Hotel to remain in the right truck by having processes that have well-structured objectives. It also gives the HR specialists awareness to the changes of the external environment. The other advantage is that it gives the line managers with a chance of engaging well within the day to day activities. The process allows having a faster and an easier way of making decisions. Finally, through task variation that is caused there’s a greater degree of responsibility and will have a positive impact on SNOW Mountain Hotel by ensuring a good relationship with the customers to the business (Bergeron and Taylor, 2013; Schuler & Jackson, 1987; Schuler & Jackson, 1987).

However, the process of devolvement has drawbacks. If the process is taken in by SNOW Mountain Hotel will require more support to be given to the line managers to enable them to be able to carry out the responsibilities of the HR effectively. Therefore, this might take more time to have the managers get to learn how to take the roles. Conflict and responsibilities confusion could be experienced in the business. This may be the HR and the line managers. This may end up bringing a lack of accountability since the two sides may blame each other. Excessive workload and pressure are given to the line managers because in cases that they don’t get enough training which is limited by the costs.

To ensure that the mangers are fully engaged they need to develop skills on getting closer with the staff I the business. This helps to build a relation with them and makes it easy to work effectively (Lawler, 2005; Youndt, 2013). They are also supposed to talk and have conversations with them, and this allows to make them feel valued, and they end up being more committed to the job. The managers should also ensure that they can deal with situations that are difficult in the best way. They should be involved in motivating the other employees, giving feedback by dealing with the situation instead of leaving them. They should also build lasting relationships with the employees and the business. These skills are necessary since there are usually no actions are done if there are challenges in the firm because they are not close to the managers or feel appreciated (Guest, 2007). This is because appreciation is an important aspect of getting the employees to commit to their responsibilities. The managers should be taken through training programs by professionals and targets are set to what they can deliver.

(Word count 665 words)


In conclusion, the article has mainly focused on the HR department as whole. This includes looking at the actions that makes the department to be more or to remain competitive and also be of more importance to the business. The Human Resource sector in business is becoming really crucial since they are involved in carrying out crucial roles in recruiting and managing employees. Therefore, businesses need to come up with strategies that help to maintain their competitiveness and avoid customer fluctuations. This includes the use of the shared service center and devolving duties of the HR staff to the line managers. Finally, business partner model is also well understood with the benefits and the limitations it usually has on the business. This is a strategy which has been taken by major businesses nowadays from it improved capabilities and performance of the businesses.


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